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Technical Overviews
PathWave Lab Operations for EMC Test connects people, processes, and results. This lab management software is designed specifically for EMC lab operations to help you better coordinate, improve, and accelerate operations in your lab.
This video introduces the key features of PathWave Test Automation Cloud.
How-To Videos
This video shows how PathWave Test Automation Cloud provides a platform and user interface to support distributed development and execution of test plans.
Selection Guides
Keysight software licensing enables you, the customer, to select and pay for the features and capabilities of each Keysight product that are important to you. Keysight license terms and types provide flexible access to our extensive offering of software products.
This video provides a high-level introduction to PathWave Test Automation Cloud.
Technical Overviews
The KS8400B provides powerful, flexible and extensible test sequence and test plan creation with additional capabilities that optimize your test software development and overall performance.
This flyer provides you an overview about the main functions and capabilities of the lab management software EP1300A PathWave Lab Operations for EMC Test. Concentrate on the outcomes and the EMC test itself; don’t waste time organizing your staff, nor generating reports manually with never-ending...
Technical Overviews
Keysight KS8000A Test Automation Platform (TAP) Deployment System provides a lower cost, scaled down alternative to the full KS8400A TAP Developers System without the graphical user interface, results.
White Papers
Major innovation drivers in the automotive industry span three categories: enhanced safety, a cleaner environment, and improved convenience with connectivity. To achieve these goals, automakers, automotive suppliers, governments, academia, and even nontraditional automotive players such as wireless...
Course Overviews
This program provides an overview of the Test Automation Platform and its components, including both the graphical and command line user interface applications.
Configuration Guides
This document is a customer viewable configuration guide for M8050A, 120 GBd High Performance BERT for 1.6T wireline market.
Case Studies
Learn how one car maker achieved 100% test coverage for physical layer Rx test, meeting IEEE 802.3bw-2015 standards with Keysight's automotive Ethernet solution.
Solution overview of Automotive Ethernet physical layer compliance including transmit, receiver, and harness, and connector validation.
Product Fact Sheets
This product fat sheet provides an overview of the server requirements and license types and support subscriptions.
Technical Overviews
This technical overview describes the features of the KS8312xA Radio Test Plugins, which makes it possible for TAP users with no programming knowledge to automate radio testing using the M8920A Radio Test Set.
Configuration Guides
To achieve the dream of the full autonomy, the car needs to be connected to the outside world. These connections, however, open the car to outside interference. Keysight can help you find vulnerabilities before anyone else does.
Mike Resso and Tim Wang Lee discuss simulating hardware designs using automated design software to maximize signal integrity.
Case Studies
Automobile innovating is accelerating at a rapid pace. Built-in infotainment systems—information and entertainment—demand higher speed wireless connections. Advanced electronic safety and convenience systems, built with cameras, radar, and lidar, are driving exponential data growth. All this data is...
Product Tours
PathWave Test Executive for Manufacturing (PTEM) together with PathWave Test Automation Platform (TAP) and start development and test execution on a feature filled platform that continues to grow. This video takes us through many of the core features aiding developers in turning around test plan...
Installation Guides
Provides information on the prerequisites and installation steps for the Resource Arbiter Server and Resource Arbiter Client packages for PathWave Test Automation.
Solution Briefs
The automotive industry is undergoing cybersecurity standardization and regulation that enforces consistent testing to provide work products to auditors. ISO/SAE 21434 is a cybersecurity standard that integrates high-quality safety and security measures and provides a standard framework to implement...
User Manuals
Provides concepts and usage-related information for Keysight Resource Arbiter Server and Keysight Resource Arbiter Client packages for the PathWave Test Automation.
Help Files
Provides concepts and usage-related information for Keysight Resource Arbiter Server and Keysight Resource Arbiter Client packages for the PathWave Test Automation.