• 40 nA to 1 A current waveform measurements
  • Maximum current can be extended to 10 A using a CX1206A
  • Maximum stand-alone bandwidth: 100 MHz
  • Wide common mode voltage range up to ±40 V
  • Low input resistance: 410 mΩ typical or 50 Ω typical
  • One CX1203A Sensor Head is furnished

The CX1101A Single Channel Current Sensor covers many types of applications with wide measurement range from 40 nA to 1 A, 100 MHz stand-alone maximum bandwidth, and the series widest common mode voltage range up to ±12 V. Using a Sensor Head adapter enables the electric connection to DUT. One unit of CX1203 Coaxial Termination Sensor Head and cables are furnished so you can start measurements immediately. The wideband noise suppressed current measurement technology allows you to measure low-level current waveforms with small input resistance, typically 410 mΩ. Using a CX1206A High Current Sensor Head extends the maximum current waveform measurements up to 10 A.

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