Photonic Designer is a photonic design automation (PDA) tool, crafted for the next generation of photonic integrated circuit (PIC) design. It offers a holistic and streamlined design workflow, guiding users from concept to validation. Whether you’re working on pure optical, electro-optical (EO), or opto-electrical (OE) circuits, Photonic Designer leverages advanced simulation technology grounded in physics-based models to ensure unparalleled accuracy and precision. Our user-friendly interface allows for effortless generation and validation of circuit layouts against stringent design rules, guaranteeing precision and reliability in every design.

Photonic Designer Installer

Download Photonic Designer
Platform Filename Downloads File Size md5sum
Windows 64-bit Download 22,291,819 bytes (22.3 MB) 0b38fc3eec6fac973e9c1031745520eb
Linux 64-bit Download 19,173,432 bytes (19.2 MB) b2e6358def839d0a7dac67a6785114bd

Note: Photonic Designer requires Advanced Design System (ADS) 2025 or later.


Unzip Design Kit

The first menu item of the DesignKits menu enables you to unzip a new design kit. If your new design kit is currently packaged as a .zip file, you will need to unzip the design kit in the appropriate location. If your design kit has already been unpackaged, skip to ”Installing the Photonic Designer Design Kit”. 

To unzip your new design kit:

  1. Select DesignKit > Unzip Design Kit. Select the zipped kit from the ADS Main window.
  2. Now, select where you want to unzip this zipped kit.
  3. If you have a workspace open, you will receive a message asking if you would like to add the unzipped design kit to the workspace. Select 'yes' or 'no'. You may also be asked to provide a name by which your design kit would be added to the workspace.

Installing the Photonic Designer Design Kit

Perform the following steps to add the Photonic Designer Design Kit:

  1. Select DesignKit > Manage Favorite Design Kits from the ADS Main window.
  2. The Manage Favorite Design Kits dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Add Library Definition File.
  4. Browse to the unzipped location.
  5. Select the lib.defs file and click Open.
  6. Enter the Design Kit Name and click OK.

Return to the Advanced Design System (ADS) Software downloads page.