
キーサイトの業界最高クラスのチャネルスタジオで、お客様専用にカスタマイズしたチャネルモデルを作ることが可能になります。 ダイナミックなモデリング機能には、 ダイナミック・モバイル・スピード、マルチパスプロファイル、レンジ遅延、基地局信号によって起こるノイズおよび符号間干渉やデバイスへの伝搬経路の反射を含む基地局アンテナ相関などがあります。


  • チャネル・エミュレーター・プラットフォームを使用したデバイス、無線システム、トランシーバーのリアルタイムテストと性能評価
  • 無線リンクおよびシステムレベルのシミュレーションソフトウェア




  • 2G~5Gまでのセルラー技術
  • 最大802.11 ax/beまでの無線LAN
  • 車両間、デバイス間
  • 航空/衛星通信
  • 5G非地上ネットワーク
  • MANETとメッシュネットワーク
  • RFフィールド・ツー・ラボ

RF Ray Tracing Channel Modeling

RaySim - RF Ray Tracing Channel Modeling

The F9860500A Channel Studio RaySim Tool (RaySim) is a state-of-the-art RF ray tracing solution designed for quick and accurate site-specific RF propagation scenario creation for complex new wireless technologies in 5G Advanced and 6G. The solution supports link-level, system-level, and network-level RF scenario simulations for Keysight’s or customer digital twins. This allows the seamless creation of real-time emulations for hardware-in-the-loop testing using Keysight's end-to-end emulation portfolio for device and radio access networks testing with RF channel emulation.

RaySim enables the seamless virtualization of drive test routes with high RF fidelity, facilitating realistic and effective 24 / 7 continuous integration testing of new software releases or network configurations. The solution supports MIMO and Massive MIMO radios, multiple UEs, and antenna beam pattern embedding. Wireless system parameters can be easily adjusted to evaluate various scenarios quickly in the lab. RaySim is the ideal solution to generate site-specific datasets for AI / ML model training and on-target benchmarking of AI-RAN and AI-Device use cases.


Geometry-Based Stochastic Channel Modeling

The F9860000A Channel Studio Geometric Channel Modeling (GCM) Tool supports flexibly high-fidelity stochastic channel modeling and allows you to set up a virtual environment where all transmitters and receivers have a physical location and RF characteristics. Their location, speed, and orientation are dynamic, in order to move the radios according to predefined paths with various speeds and orientations. The tool supports 3GPP-defined spatial channel models specified in TR 38.901.


The GCM tool offers an intuitive and fast way to create dynamic test scenarios. With a couple of mouse clicks, you can add and remove radios and define interlinking conditions between any of the radios. The additional antenna array tool allows simulation of any real-life antenna, starting from a simple dipole and ending up with the most complex massive MIMO antenna arrays. The tool supports both cabled and Over-the-Air (OTA) test scenarios. The GCM Tool generates geometry-based stochastic channel model datasets for AI / ML model training and for on-target benchmarking of AI-RAN and AI-Device use cases.

F9860A Channel Studio - radio propagation channel modeling software

RF Field-to-Lab Channel Modeling

RF Field to Lab Channel Modeling software

With the F9860200A Channel Studio RF Field-to-Lab Tool, you can easily bridge the gap between lab and field testing under realistic air-interface conditions through seamless real-world representation of the environment. This process accelerates the validation of wireless devices and network equipment. The RF Field-to-Lab tool offers a repeatable and realistic lab-based test method that enables you to cost-effectively and quickly verify multiple designs or multiple revisions of a single design. You can also build a library of RF Field-to-Lab test cases containing data measured in various locations around the world.

The RF Field-to-Lab tool imports radio channel parameters (e.g. Cell ID, RSRP, SNR, and MIMO correlation) from the measurement files to create a channel model for the channel emulator. The RF Field-to-Lab tool delivers reliable replication of recorded field conditions without the need for additional modeling or user input.

WLAN Channel Modeling

Today's chipset- and device manufacturers and test labs are validating the performance of new WLAN 802.11ax and 802.11be advanced features under standardized IEEE propagation channel conditions.

The F9860300A Channel Studio WLAN Modeling Tool is an easy to use application for generating standard 802.11 channel models. It supports single- and multi user MIMO for different antenna configurations.

S8815A WLAN RF and Data Performance Toolset

Tapped Delay Line Channel Modeling

TDL Modeling

The F9860400A Channel Studio Tapped Delay Line (TDL) Modeling Tool is a comprehensive application for creating custom fading models. The generated models can be used in a broad range of applications, including cellular wireless communications, defense, broadcasting, and general-purpose communication link and receiver testing.

The TDL modeling tool is optionally available in the M9484C VXG Vector Signal Generator and the E7515B UXM 5G Wireless Test Platform products. The TDL tool is part of the PROPSIM Standard Tools software.

All the fundamental fading profile parameters are available in a simple and intuitive user interface. The TDL tool is fast, easy-to-use, and supports several Keysight product platforms.

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