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Keysight Medalist x6000 1.16ソフトウェア・パッチKeysight x6000ソフトウェア・パッチには、安定性を向上させるx6000ソフトウェアの変更が含まれています。
Current Version: 1.16 | 2009-11-23
5000/6000 シリーズ・オシロスコープ用 IntuiLink Toolbar(最新版)Excel/Wordのツールバーに測定器制御の機能を追加します。このソフトは、5000/6000シリーズオシロで使えます。
Current Version: 1.13 | 2009-02-11
Current Version: n/a | 2007-01-10
N5406A Xilinx用6000シリーズFPGAダイナミック・プローブ・ソフトウェアと30日間試用ライセンスKeysight N5406A MSO6000シリーズ用Xilinx FPGAダイナミック・プローブ・ソフトウェア
Current Version: 02.70.0001 | 2014-09-25
N5434A MSO6000シリーズ用Altera FPGAダイナミック・プローブ・ソフトウェア と30日間試用ライセンスN5434A MSO6000 シリーズ用Altera FPGAダイナミック・プローブ・ソフトウェア
Current Version: 01.30 | 2012-10-19
ベースバンド発生器ボード E4400-60070 のソフトウェア・パッチベースバンド発生器ボード (部品番号 E4400-60070, 300 で始まるシリアル番号, バージョン A0110) は、間違ったヘッダ情報を有します。
Current Version: n/a | 2004-02-20
Current Version: 6.50 | 2005-11-21
Current Version: 6.50 | 2005-11-21
Current Version: 6.21 | 2002-08-06
E6000C / E6000B Floppy Upgrade to Rev. 6.21Download the latest floppy upgrade for the Mini OTDR.
Current Version: 6.21 | 2002-08-06
Current Version: 4.5 | 2005-11-04
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.20 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which provide stability improvements.
Current Version: 1.20 | 2010-12-01
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.19 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which provide stability improvements.
Current Version: 1.19 | 2010-10-01
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.18 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which provide stability improvements.
Current Version: 1.18 | 2010-04-01
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.17 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which provide stability improvements.
Current Version: 1.17 | 2010-01-01
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.13 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 1.13 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which add several new features and corrects several issues for test development and test execution.
Current Version: 1.13 | 2009-08-26
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.15 Software PatchCurrent Version: 1.15 | 2009-08-07
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.14 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 1.14 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which add several new features and corrects several issues for test development and test execution.
Current Version: 1.14 | 2009-03-24
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.12 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 1.12 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which add several new features and corrects several issues for test development and test execution.
Current Version: 1.12 | 2008-05-19
Keysight Medalist x6000 1.11 Software PatchThe Keysight x6000 1.11 software patch contains changes to the x6000 software which correct several critical issues for test development and test execution.
Current Version: 1.11 | 2008-03-01