S8826A MANET チャネル・エミュレーション・ツールセット
The S8826A MANET Channel Emulation Toolset enables users to evaluate the end-to-end performance of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) and mesh radio systems under real-world radio propagation conditions. As a standard and waveform agnostic test solution, it supports all proprietary systems.
Technological advancements, such as MIMO and beamforming, combined with the increased complexity in wireless military communication systems, have accelerated the need to test large mesh network topologies with dynamically changing radio channel and interference conditions. This is why Keysight’s S8826A MANET Channel Emulation Toolset supports:
- Mesh configurations of up to 64 radios in a single unit for testing large SISO and MIMO mesh network topologies.
- Full range of operating frequencies from HF up to 6 GHz.
- PROPSIM Channel Emulation Solution combines with Keysight’s E7770A Common Interface Unit to extend the frequency to 6-12GHz bands.
- Up to 1.2 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth to test ultra-wideband gigabit links.
The S8826A toolset is based on the PROPSIM F64 and PROPSIM FS16 channel emulators, which offer a highly scalable and flexible basis for MANET testing:
- From 2 to 16 radios with PROPSIM FS16 and from 8 to 64 radios with PROPSIM F64.
- End-to-end performance and interoperability testing of mission critical tactical wireless communication systems.
- High-performing, network level channel emulation to easily replicate field-testing conditions in a repeatable way.
- The ability to test the functionality of critical communication networks using a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test bed with full control over the key parameters including Doppler shift, delay, and phase.
キーサイトのF9860000AチャネルスタジオでS8826Aツールセットを拡張できます。 業界最高のチャネル・スタジオ・ソフトウェアで、お客様専用にカスタマイズしたチャネルモデルを作ることが可能になります。 ダイナミックなモデリング機能には、 ダイナミック・モバイル・スピード、マルチパスプロファイル、レンジ遅延、基地局信号によって起こるノイズおよび符号間干渉やデバイスへの伝搬経路の反射を含む基地局アンテナ相関などがあります。
- チャネル・エミュレーター・プラットフォームを使用したデバイス、無線システム、トランシーバーのリアルタイムテストと性能評価
- 無線リンクおよびシステムレベルのシミュレーションソフトウェア