是德科技提供可免費下載的更新版韌體,可增強 33500 系列波形產生器的功能並協助您除錯。

發佈日期 版本 版本說明
2023-06-12 5.03 Fixed the LAN hub incompatibility issue.
發佈日期 版本
2023-06-12 5.03
Fixed the LAN hub incompatibility issue.


  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the firmware file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. Firmware updates installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface are files with .upd extensions.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.
  4. If not currently installed, download and install the Firmware Update Utility.


  • From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.

  • If updating from the LAN, USB, or GPIB interface the instrument address is required. With the instrument turned on, pressing Help – About displays the addresses.

  • The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.

  • It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10


  • NOTICE: Downgrading the 335xx Firmware
    Before downgrading to a ‘Previous’ firmware revision, note the firmware revision currently installed (Shift-Help-About).
    Firmware revision 5.02-1.19 and below can be downgraded to any previous (posted) revision.
    Firmware revision 5.02-3.15 and revisions above that can only be downgraded to firmware version 5.02.


  • 33509B,33510B,33511B,33512B,33519B,33520B,33521B,33522B,33521A,33522A

The following improvement has been made in firmware release 5.02:

  • Updated the ACCL version to improve memory leak.


  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the firmware file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. Firmware updates installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface are files with .upd extensions.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.
  4. If not currently installed, download and install the Firmware Update Utility.


  • From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.

  • If updating from the LAN, USB, or GPIB interface the instrument address is required. With the instrument turned on, pressing Help – About displays the addresses.

  • The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.

  • It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • 不需要授權

安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10


  • NOTICE: Downgrading the 335xx Firmware
    Before downgrading to a ‘Previous’ firmware revision, note the firmware revision currently installed (Shift-Help-About).
    Firmware revision 5.02-1.19 and below can be downgraded to any previous (posted) revision.
    Firmware revision 5.02-3.15 and revisions above that can only be downgraded to firmware version 5.02.


  • 33509B,33510B,33511B,33512B,33519B,33520B,33521B,33522B,33521A,33522A

For this release, update the Current Version Tab for all 33500B models as shown:

The following changes have been made in firmware release 5.00:

  • Option IQP is now standard on the 33512B and 33522B. Upgrading these units to 5.0 without Option IQP previously installed will show the option as ‘Included’ in the System → Help → About window. Upgrading these units to 5.0 with Option IQP previously installed will continue to show ‘IQP’ as “Licensed”. There is no change in functionality. All other licensed options must be purchased. 
  • Adds HTML5 emulation for additional instrument control options from the WebUI (user interface) for all 33500B series waveform generators. Selecting ‘Control Instrument’ on the WebUI enables selection of the control options.


  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the firmware file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. Firmware updates installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface are files with .upd extensions.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.
  4. If not currently installed, download and install the Firmware Update Utility.


  • From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.

  • If updating from the LAN, USB, or GPIB interface the instrument address is required. With the instrument turned on, pressing Help – About displays the addresses.

  • The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.

  • It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • 不需要授權

安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10


  • 無相關資訊


  • 33509B,33510B,33511B,33512B,33519B,33520B,33521B,33522B,33521A,33522A

The following improvements have been made in firmware release 4.00:
• Sweep functionality has been changed. The return-phase (if one is programmed) operates in the same type/spacing as sweep-phase.
• Sweep marker defect has been fixed. In previous revision, the sweep sync output did not work in “marker” mode if the sweep was a down-sweep.
• Sweep-type state recall defect has been fixed. The defect occurred because the front-panel instrument model differs from the SCPI/ remote programming model.
• Changes has been made in how limits are applied and when they are reported to the user. Minor improvements on the attempts to detect unreachable frequency/time combinations and respond by forcing the time settings to reachable values.


  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the firmware file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. Firmware updates installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface are files with .upd extensions.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.
  4. If not currently installed, download and install the Firmware Update Utility.


  • From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.

  • If updating from the LAN, USB, or GPIB interface the instrument address is required. With the instrument turned on, pressing Help – About displays the addresses.

  • The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.

  • It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • 不需要授權

安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • Prior to updating the firmware, 33500 Series Waveform Generators with Security Option SEC must have the security feature unlocked. To unlock instrument security, press:
    System − Test/Admin – Security – Secure Code
    and enter the security code. The security feature can also be unlocked using the command:
    CALibration:SECurity:STATe OFF, security_code
    The factory-set security code is 'AT33500' For additional security this code may have been changed from its factory setting.


  • 33509B,33510B,33511B,33512B,33519B,33520B,33521B,33522B,33521A,33522A

The following improvements have been made in firmware release 3.05:
• Log Sweep has been fixed to allow for low start and stop frequencies. Impossible log sweep combinations now detected and a “Settings Conflict” error is generated
• Linear Sweep has been fixed to allow for very small frequency spans (less than 0.1 Hz) with long sweep times (greater than 100 seconds). Impossible linear sweep combinations now detected and a “Settings Conflict” error is generated.
• Reduced brief transient voltage when power is turned off
• Faster power-up
• Proper knob operation when editing arbitrary waveforms from the front panel
• Corrects burst setup for triangle waveforms
• Allows more frequency resolution to be visible on the front panel in List Mode
• Allows more Phase Offset resolution on the front panel (increased from 0.1 degree to 0.001 degrees)


  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the firmware file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. Firmware updates installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface are files with .upd extensions.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.
  4. If not currently installed, download and install the Firmware Update Utility.


  • From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.

  • If updating from the LAN, USB, or GPIB interface the instrument address is required. With the instrument turned on, pressing Help – About displays the addresses.

  • The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.

  • It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • 不需要授權

安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • Prior to updating the firmware, 33500 Series Waveform Generators with Security Option SEC must have the security feature unlocked. To unlock instrument security, press:
    System − Test/Admin – Security – Secure Code
    and enter the security code. The security feature can also be unlocked using the command:
    CALibration:SECurity:STATe OFF, security_code
    The factory-set security code is 'AT33500'.
    For additional security this code may have been changed from its factory setting.


  • 33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B, 33519B, 33520B, 33521B, 33522B, 33521A, 33522A

The following improvements have been made in firmware release 3.03:

  • You can now use more than one character when setting the Cal Password
  • You can now use more than one character while naming a file
  • Improved behavior when performing a state recall of a BURST waveform
  • Instrument now allows loading over 1000 arb segments into volatile memory
  • Improved sweep behavior of an IQ arb
  • Improved error checking when saving large arb files
  • TRIG:COUNT:DEF now functions properly
  • TIMER MIN/MAX/DEF now functions properly
  • FM frequency functions properly when modulating arb waveforms
  • Improved behavior of the Burst function while using Pulse waveforms
  • Improved the behavior SYNC output during a state recall


  1. Click the Download button and select the file of interest.
  2. Save the file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved. A firmware update installed over the LAN, GPIB, or USB interface is a file with a .upd extension.
  3. Unzip the file to access the .upd file. For updates using a front panel USB drive, the utility extracts the required files from the (unzipped) .upd file.


  1. 1From the utility directory or Start menu, start the utility (FWUpdate.exe). The utility will prompt you for the location of the .upd file. Follow the additional prompts to complete the installation.
  2. The update may take several seconds to complete and will reboot the instrument. After the update is complete, exit the utility.
  3. It is not necessary to re-calibrate the instrument following a firmware-update; however, the instrument may need to be re-secured if it was unsecured to perform the update.


  • 不需要授權


安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • Prior to updating the firmware, 33500 Series Waveform Generators with Security Option SEC must have the security feature unlocked. To unlock instrument security, press:
    System − Test/Admin – Security – Secure Code
    and enter the security code. The security feature can also be unlocked using the command:
    CALibration:SECurity:STATe OFF, security_code
    The factory-set security code is 'AT33500' For additional security this code may have been changed from its factory setting.


  • 33509B,33510B,33511B,33512B,33519B,33520B,33521B,33522B

韌體版本 2.09 已完成下列改良:

修改前面板和 SCPI 操作介面:

  • 現在可設定相位角度、弧度或時間 可透過Units選單(前面板)或 UNIT:ANGLe 指令更改預設單位 您也可在設定相位導孔(透過前面板或遠端介面)時選擇單位。
  • 新的 SCPI 指令可控制前面板顯示的外觀和內容:
指令 指定
DISPlay:FOCUS {CH1|CH2} 可在 2 通道儀器上指定通道
DISPlay:UNIT:RATE {FREQuency|PERiod} 正弦波、方波、斜波、脈衝波和三角波之速率單位
DISPlay:UNIT:ARBRate {SRATe|FREQuency|PERiod} 任意波形的速率單位
DISPlay:UNIT:VOLT {AMPLitudeoffset|HIGHlow} 指定電壓範圍的方法
DISPlay:UNIT:SWEep {STARtstop|CENTerspan} 指定掃描頻率範圍的方法
DISPlay:UNIT:PULse {WIDTh|DUTy} 指定脈衝寬度的方法
  • 您可透過 SYSTem:CLICk:STATe {OFF|ON} 指令或是使用者設定選單來關閉前面板的按鍵功能。
  • 使用直流信號時無法再使用合併(Combine)功能。 請改用偏移(Offset)功能。
  • 螢幕保護程式會讓前面板顯示畫面變暗而不是關閉螢幕。


  • 開啟或關閉狀態時,輸出觸發功能可正確運作。
  • 方波調頻現在可以產生正確的頻率偏移。
  • 多個追蹤模式的小問題都已修正。
  • 現在使用 SCPI 設定 rms 電壓時,位數解析度是正確的。
  • 現在 *OPC? 查詢指令可以正確判定任意波形的 NCYCLE 叢發信號尾端。
  • 在不同電壓範圍施加偏移電壓時常見的信號失真問題已經解決。
  • 重設為預設值或是在自我測試時,儀器不會再顯示ERR。
  • 現在調幅功能在深度設定大於 100% 時也可正確運作。
  • 關閉輸出時,信號不會再洩漏到 BNC 接頭上。
  • 現在複製唯讀檔會產生一個可寫入的檔案。
  • 觸發解析度在 5 位數時不再被截斷了。
  • 在脈衝寬度(Pulse Width)模式中改變參數時,非零偏移的叢發脈衝不會再產生一個極短的問題脈衝。 此脈衝在信號週期(Duty Cycle)模式中仍會產生。


  • 無相關資訊


  • 不需要授權


安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • 無相關資訊


  • 33521A, 33522A, 33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B, 33519B, 33520B, 33521B, and 33522B

The following improvements have been made in firmware release 2.03:

  • You can now easily synchronize arbitrary waveforms and sequences on two-channel instruments. Simply load arbitrary waveforms on both channels and use [Parameters] > More > Sync Arbs (front panel) or FUNCtion:ARBitrary:SYNChronize (SCPI). This stops both waveforms and simultaneously re-starts them at sample 1 and at whatever sample rates they happen to be set.
  • In cases where the instrument is set to power up in the last (previous) configuration, a 10 Vpp ramp is now restored with the correct amplitude (was previously restored incorrectly to 8 Vpp).
  • Instrument state files now store and recall the PRBS bit rate parameter correctly.
  • The built-in instrument help now supports Russian help text. To configure this, press:
    [System] > System Setup > User Settings > Help Lang > More > Russian
  • Instruments with static IP addresses no longer become unresponsive via the LAN.
  • When restoring a state with power-on "last" or SCPI *RCL on a two-channel instrument, the phase relationship (if any) between the channels and the tracking mode (if any) are restored correctly.
  • Updating firmware via the front panel and USB drive now requires unsecuring the instrument.
  • On a two-channel instrument with GPIB, the front panel now displays the GPIB address correctly when the display is focused on channel 2.
  • On 20 MHz models (33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B), the maximum sample rate is now 160 MSa/s.
  • An incorrect error message regarding modulating with a dual arbitrary waveform as the modulation shape has been removed.


  • Click the Download button and select the file of interest


  • 不需要授權


安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • None


  • 33521A, 33522A, 33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B, 33519B, 33520B, 33521B, and 33522B

To install firmware revision 1.14, your 33521A or 33522A must be connected to your local area network (LAN). If your instrument is not connected, see the 33500 Series User's Guide for instructions.

  1. Power up the instrument on the LAN. Press the System > Help > About softkey sequence and record the instrument's LAN address.
  2. Press System > Inst Setup > Calibrate, and if the title shows Calibration Locked, enter the security code with the knob and arrow keys and press Unlock Cal. The default calibration password is AT33520A. If the title does not show Calibration Locked, you do not need to take any particular action. You can also unlock calibration security by sending the command: CALibration:SECurity:STATe OFF,AT33520A.
  3. Locate 3352xA Firmware Update Utility Type 2 in the Documents & Downloads section at the bottom of this page. Download and install this onto your computer.
  4. Locate 3352xA Firmware Revision 1.14 in the Documents & Downloads section at the bottom of this page. Download this file to your computer and unzip it, making note of where you store the file.
  5. Open the Firmware Update Utility on your computer:
    Start > All Programs > Keysight > Firmware Update Utility Type 2 > FirmwareUpdateUtilityType2.exe
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Browse and browse to the firmware update file (Agt3352xA_rev_1_14.upd) that you saved in step 4. Highlight the file and select Open. It will take several seconds for the utility to read the file; wait until this message appears in the "Description" field:
    Keysight 33521A/33522A Rev 1.14
    NOTE: Front panel will go dark for
    about 30 seconds on first reboot.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter the IP address from Step 2 into the IP address field and click Update.
  10. The utility verifies the connection to the LAN and the model number of the specified instrument. It then displays a confirmation dialog; click Yes to continue.
  11. When a final information dialog summarizing the update will appears, press OK.
  12. This update will take several minutes, and it will cause a reboot, during which the instrument front panel may go "dark" for about 30 seconds as new front panel firmware is installed. DO NOT cycle or interrupt power to the 3352xA during the update process.
  13. Click OK when the pop-up message appears.
  14. After this is completed, exit the update utility by pressing Cancel and then Yes.

The update process is now complete. You do not need to re-calibrate the instrument, but you may want to re-secure the instrument with the command CALibration:SECurity:STATe ON,AT33520A. Of course, you may choose a non-default password.


  • See Above


  • See Above


  • 不需要授權


安裝於: Instrument


  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP


  • See Above


  • 33521A, 33522A