Testing modern RF systems requires realistic but controllable signal environments that stress designs to assure they survive in the field. The new Keysight S7970A playback solutions enable quality playback of previously recorded data representing live signal environments. The system is selfcontained in a convenient, transportable package. The intuitive software guides the user through a structured workflow that turns a complex process into an easy setup and execution. At the heart of the S7970A streaming playback solution is the M9383A PXIe microwave signal generator, a compact modular instrument that provides frequency coverage from 1 MHz to 20 GHz or 44 GHz, with up to 400 MHz of streaming modulation bandwidth. The playback solutions include an internal baseband generator, and over 2 GHz RF modulation bandwidth with external I/Q inputs. The compact PXIe form factor enables side-by-side placement of the M9383A signal generator components of the S7960A streaming record solution to provide a complete record and playback system in a single PXIe chassis. Refer to the S7980A technical overview for more details.
Whether your work is on the bench, in a test chamber, or in the field, the S7970A playback solutions make it easy to playback captured signal environments with the settings and conditions to meet your requirements.
RF/µW Playback Solutions
The S7970A wideband RF/µW streaming playback solution provides users with intuitive software for configuration, setup, signal preview, and file management. A combination of well-integrated instruments, conversion utilities, and easy-to-use workflow make the Playback solutions a flexible tool for a wide variety of playback applications.
Key features
• Intuitive operation and workflow
• Reliable, transportable packaging
• Quick and easy integrated file viewer with trimming tool for isolation of file segments for analysis or playback
• Advanced alignments for high-fidelity RF playback
Solution Descriptions
The S7970A-020 includes a pre-configured M9383A with the options described below (refer to the M9383A technical data sheet for more details):
• F20: (1 MHz to 20 GHz tuning)
• ST2: basic voltage-controlled oscillator offering excellent phase noise performance
• 300: provides an M9300A frequency reference module (required to meet data sheet specifications. The M9300A provides five 100 MHz outputs)
• C05: 500 MHz RF modulation bandwidth
• M10: 1 MSample waveform memory
• LW1: Long waveform playback (streaming)
The S7970A-044 includes a pre-configured M9383A with the options described below. Also, refer to the M9383A PXI microwave signal generator technical data sheet for more details:
• F44: (1 MHz to 44 GHz tuning)
• ST2: basic voltage-controlled oscillator offering excellent phase noise performance
• 300: provides an M9300A frequency reference module (required to meet data sheet specifications. The M9300A provides five 100 MHz outputs)
• C06: 500 MHz RF modulation bandwidth
• M10: 1 MSample waveform memory
• LW1: Long waveform playback (streaming)
The M9383A comprises three components designed to produce high-fidelity RF playback capability from either short or long waveform files. These components include a synthesizer, vector modulator, and source output modules. Part of the vector modulator is the arbitrary waveform generator which is capable of reading streamed digital data from the PXIe backplane that originates in the S7970A data module. It is also ideal for creating digitally modulated waveforms for wideband communication systems and highresolution waveforms for radar and satellite tests. Industry-standard waveforms can be easily generated using Keysight software application tools such as PathWave Signal Generation, or Signal Studio. In addition, users can generate their waveforms using MATLAB or custom tools to play out.