Free Arbitrary Waveform Library

This library contains over 20 well-engineered waveforms commonly used in the electronics industry. Whether you´re working in R&D or manufacturing test, you can use the library to get a head start on creating arbitrary waveforms that emulate real-world signals. The waveforms can be used directly, or they can be used as a starting point to create the exact waveform for your application.

Waveform Library:

1. DTMF_0 - dual tone multiple frequency number 0
2. DTMF_9 - dual tone multiple frequency number 9
3. Full Rectify - full wave rectified sine
4. Half Rectify - half wave rectified sine
5. Gaussian - Gaussian pulse
6. PSK - 180 degree phase shift keying using sine wave
7. Ringing Square - square wave with damped sine wave ringing
8. SCR - SCR firing profile
9. Trapezoid - trapezoidal wave shape
10. Staircase - increasing and decreasing staircase waveform
11. RS-232 - serial bit stream spelling "Keysight"
12. ISO7637-2 TP1 - automotive transients due to disconnects
13. ISO7637-2 TP2a - automotive transients due to inductance in wiring
14. ISO7637-2 TP2b - automotive transients due ignition switching off
15. ISO7637-2 TP3a - automotive transients due to switching
16. ISO7637-2 TP3b - automotive transients due to switching
17. ISO7637-2 TP4 - automotive supply profile during starting
18. ISO7637-2 TP5a - automotive transients due to battery disconnect
19. ISO7637-2 TP5b - automotive transients due to battery disconnect
20. ISO16750-2 V Reset - automotive supply voltage profile for resetting
21. ISO16750-2 Starting Profile - automotive starting profile with ringing

DTMF 0 Waveform

Ringing Square Waveform

To Download the Library:

1. Right click on the link below and select "save target as"
2. Save the file to a location on your computer such as the desktop
3. Un-zip the files to a convenient location
4. Open the file of interest from IntuiLink Waveform Editor
5. Download the file to 33210A, 33220A or 33250A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Keysight recommends using the most current version, which includes the most up-to-date bug fixes and security patches available.
Release Date Version Version Description
2008-03-20 n/a Arbitrary Waveform Library
Release Date Version
2008-03-20 n/a
Version Description
Arbitrary Waveform Library

How to Download

  • See Above

How to Install

  • See Above


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC / Instrument


  • Agilent s Intuilink Waveform Editor

Supported Instruments

  • 33210A, 33220A and 33250A