How to Verify Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Compliance

MXR-Series Oscilloscope
+ MXR-Series Oscilloscope

Perform automotive Ethernet electrical tests using IEEE and OPEN Alliance specifications

Physical layer electrical tests for automotive Ethernet transmitter compliance involve executing a wide range of conformance tests based on different data rates and standards. Two standards governing bodies for automotive Ethernet, the IEEE, and the OPEN Alliance, specify a wide range of these conformance tests and test cases.

Performing the automotive Ethernet conformance test requires an oscilloscope. A network analyzer and an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) or function generator are used for transmitter distortion for 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps tests, MDI return loss, MDI mode conversion loss, and power spectral density (PSD) tests. In addition to measurement data, a wide range of electrical tests must be performed to obtain a margin analysis report showing how closely each automotive Ethernet device passed or failed each test.

Automotive Ethernet transmitter compliance test solution

Automotive Ethernet transmitter compliance test solution

Validating transmitters in automotive Ethernet designs requires executing various conformance tests. The Keysight automotive Ethernet transmitter test solution facilitates verifying and debugging the physical layer of automotive Ethernet designs against standards specifications. Use it to run various test plans following data rates and standards governed by the IEEE and the OPEN Alliance.

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