Affordable E-Band Vector Network Analyzer Bundles

Keysight offers convenient and affordable solution bundles for millimeter-wave measurements in the E-band frequency range. Bundle configurations use Keysight PXI or Streamline vector network analyzers (VNAs), software, and Virginia Diodes, Inc. (VDI) frequency extenders.

  • Two-port or four-port S-parameter measurements
  • More affordable than the PNA-based E-band VNA
  • E-band frequency range: 60 GHz to 90 GHz
  • Dynamic range: 100 dB minimum, 110 dB (typical)
  • Test port power: +13 dBm typical
  • Power calibration at test ports with an optional power sensor
  • Waveguide calibration kit included

Extend the Frequency Range and Accuracy of Your Instruments

Add frequency extension modules to overcome the inherent microwave limitations of your vector network analyzer and achieve high measurement accuracy. With an affordable e-band VNA system, you can:

  • Switch easily between different waveguide band frequency extenders using the built-in millimeter-wave (mmWave) dialog
  • Make power level adjustments for higher frequency and accuracy
  • Enhance power calibration at test ports with an external waveguide sensor (not included)
N5252A E-Band Network Analyzer System

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