W2341 Momentum G2 for Virtuoso

The Momentum G2 element includes:

  • Method of Moments (MoM) 3D planar electromagnetic simulator engineered for speed and capacity through advanced NlogN solver technology
  • Multi-threading simulation on 64 bit computers up to 16 cores for additional capacity and speed
  • Visualization of surface currents and planar antenna radiation in 3D space
  • User selectable microwave full wave or faster RF quasi-static mode EM simulation
  • Adaptive frequency sweep to automatically and quickly find all resonant frequencies across the full simulation frequency band.
  • Arbitrary polygonal meshing with adaptive mesh reduction for optimal speed, accuracy and capacity
  • Thick metal analysis of side wall currents and couplings

Momentum G2 is the improved 2nd generation of the powerful Momentum 3D planar electromagnetic simulator from Keysight EEsof EDA, the technology and innovation leader in high-frequency mixed-signal electronic design automation (EDA). Momentum G2 is seamlessly integrated into the Cadence® Virtuoso® Platform for RF passive component design and analysis of high frequency effects related to on-chip interconnects and other layout structures.

Momentum G2 is an advanced Method of Moments (MoM) 3D planar electromagnetic simulator, enhanced with the latest NlogN and multi-threading solver algorithms, to deliver the fastest and highest capacity 3D planar EM simulation possible. Integrated within Virtuoso, it allows electromagnetic simulation to account for proximity or radiation effects of planar structures such as inductors, baluns transformers, power combining networks and general interconnects. Visualization of the results in terms of surface currents or radiated fields provides insights on where to fix problem areas.

Unlike other planar standalone EM simulators with restrictive rectangular grid meshes or socket-based integration with inconsistent user interfaces, Momentum G2 provides the most efficient and fastest 3D planar EM simulation capability integrated within the Virtuoso platform. This guarantees you to consistently deliver optimal designs at peak efficiency.

Momentum G2 Configuration Information for Virtuoso:

  • Momentum G2 requires at a minimum a license the Cadence Virtuoso Layout supporting either IC51 or IC61.

For circuit simulation of the EM extracted models, Momentum G2 requires a license of Cadence Virtuoso Schematic editor supporting IC51 or IC61 and a circuit simulator capable of simulating S-parameter models such as Keysight EEsof GoldenGate RF simulation, verification and analysis software.

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