Increased bandwidth, higher-order modulation, and spatial multiplexing are wireless communication enhancements that require path loss correction and de-embedding. Using a reflectometer typically corrects an impedance mismatch. External reflectometers are commercially available for signal generator and analyzer measurement setups, but the complexity of implementing corrections results in infrequent use and measurement errors.
Errors from impedance mismatch occur on both ends of the measurement setup. Errors due to impedance mismatch result in reflected waves interacting with the incident signal. The ideal test solution includes a signal generator with an embedded reflectometer, which enables in-situ generation of a match-corrected signal. The embedded reflectometer measures both the incident wave and the reflected wave. By measuring the reflected wave, it is possible to calculate the correction for the incident wave to deliver both the desired power level at the measurement plane and remove undesired effects like ripple.
Additional resources for how to de-embed fixtures and correct mismatch errors
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