
  • Highest accuracy in a single sweep. No averaging over multiple sweeps required
  • No limitation of optical path length of component
  • 1240 nm to 1650 nm operating wavelength range
  • 1 MHz maximum sampling rate
  • 0 ps to 1000 ps DGD measurement range
  • 0 ps to 300 ps PMD measurement range
  • 1.5° SOP measurement uncertainty
  • ±2% DOP measurement uncertainty

The N7788C optical component analyzer provides both polarization control and analysis functions in one instrument for flexible laboratory use. The N7788C is especially used in combination with a tunable laser for measuring how an optical component changes the SOP of a signal. This measurement uses the unique single-sweep polarization dependent method to determine the parameters polarization mode dispersion (PMD) or differential group delay (DGD) and polarization dependent loss (PDL), based on a generalization of the standardized Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis method (JME).

For these spectral measurements of polarization dependent loss and dispersion, the N7788C is combined with a tunable laser and a new N7700 software engine. The LS engine, part of the Photonic Application Suite, now supports these measurements of wavelength-dependent DGD and PMD. This mode can be licensed with N7700103C PMD.

Parameters provided by this measurement include:

  • PDL
  • Power/loss
  • TE/TM-loss
  • Jones matrices
  • Mueller matrices
  • 2nd-order PMD (depolarization + PCD)

General polarimeter and polarization control functions of the N7788C are supported by the built-in user interface.

The instrument comes in a compact form factor of just one rack unit height, with LAN and USB interfaces.

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Key Specifications

Component characterization (fiber; passive; active; dynamic)
In-channel measurements across amplifiers
DOP Meas. Uncertainty
± 2.%; ± 1.5% typical
Input power range
-50 dBm to +7 dBm
Insertion Loss Choice
<6.0 dB at 1270 - 1375 nm
<5.0 dB at 1375 - 1620 nm
< 0.15 dB typical at 1550 nm
DOP Meas. Uncertainty
Input power range
Insertion Loss Choice
Component characterization (fiber; passive; active; dynamic)
In-channel measurements across amplifiers
± 2.%; ± 1.5% typical
-50 dBm to +7 dBm
<6.0 dB at 1270 - 1375 nm
<5.0 dB at 1375 - 1620 nm
< 0.15 dB typical at 1550 nm
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