The E1961A Test Application can be downloaded from this page. You may proceed to download software without a license key. However, a valid license is required to fully complete your software installation after the download. If a previously licensed version of the Test Application you are installing already exists in your test set, it is NOT necessary to download another license file. Instructions for retrieving the license are included in the HELP files of the 8960 File Utility, available after the installation.  

Software (license) entitlement certificates for all the application products listed below are available for email delivery directly to your inbox. Please request Keysight's free “eDelivery” service with your purchase order to get your entitlement certificate the same day your order is placed. 

CAUTION:  Loading an application onto your E5515 (8960) test set that is not compatible with your E5515's hardware revision can cause your test set to lock up. This includes trial licenses. As an example, E5515C test sets shipped before February 2005 (serial number < GB4508 or any US serial number) require a HW upgrade to run lab applications. For information on software application/E5515 compatibility go to Always refer to this information before loading any application onto your test set.  

These releases require a specific hardware configuration. Test sets with serial number less than MY5210 require a HW upgrade to run these releases. Contact your Keysight representative with your test set’s config to determine your HW needs (use the 8960 Config Reader available below).

Keysight empfiehlt die Verwendung der aktuellen Version, die die neuesten verfügbaren Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitspatches enthält.
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version Versionsbeschreibung
2011-03-31 A.17.07 Software available for download...
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version
2011-03-31 A.17.07
Version Description
Software available for download...

How to Download

  1. Click on the Download button
  2. Select Run
  3. Files will be extracted to your hard drive
  4. Installation manager will start automatically


  • Requires a License

Installs on: Instrument

Operating System

  • VxWorks


  • None

Supported Instruments

  • 8960, E5515C, E5515E
Keine Softwareversion verfügbar