Minimize Disruptions with Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic network performance monitoring (NPM) and application performance monitoring (APM) tools simulate real-world traffic and track response times across networks, websites, and applications — so you can find issues before users do.

Vision + xMetrics®: Integrate monitoring for flawlessly executed trades


Vision packet brokers run flow monitoring software from Instrumentix to bring real-time insight to traders, brokerages, and exchanges. Improve monitoring of market data, network and application latency, and transaction status to protect and analyze critical data feeds and improve compliance.

xMetrics runs inside Keysight NPBs for seamless, scalable financial network visibility and control with minimal latency and operations overhead. Affordable instrumentation and seamless integration protect investments in legacy systems while leveraging modern flow instrumentation, visualization, and analytics.

  • Optimize trade execution
  • Differentiate service offerings
  • Boost operational efficiency
  • Demonstrate compliance
  • Optimize monitoring and analysis with multi-hop visibility, forensics, and rich metadata

What is Synthetic Monitoring?

Unlike real user monitoring (RUM) tools, which rely on live network and application traffic, synthetic monitoring tools generate simulated application traffic, send it across your network and applications, and measure how long it takes to reach its intended destination. Continuous testing enables network operations and application delivery teams to monitor QoE and quality of service (QoS) under various conditions — helping them pinpoint service degradations, network / application latency, or bottlenecks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Application and Network Performance Monitoring Software

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