
Analyze complex modulated optical signals with this software, either as a standalone software installation or in combination with a Keysight oscilloscope.

  • Measure error vector magnitude (EVM) for dual-polarization IQ signals, including detailed impairment analysis. Standard-conform EVM measurement follows ITU G.698.2 and the latest draft of OIF 400ZR.
  • Get support for standard and user-defined constellation maps.
  • Analysis software reduces setup time.
  • Modulation format transparent preprocessing algorithms include polarization demultiplexing in Stokes space.
  • Interface lets you add your own MATLAB-algorithm to the preprocessing chain.
  • Measurement tools such as laser line width, optical statistics table, and 3D Poincaré polarization analysis are included.
  • Complete integration of hardware offers more flexibility for various instrument configurations.
  • Analysis tools for signals with probabilistic constellation shaping are included.

Standalone Software for Analysis of Complex Modulated Optical Signals

The analysis software from Keysight’s optical modulation analyzer (OMA) portfolio can be used on your PC without any instrumentation. It offers analysis capabilities such as advanced signal processing algorithms for complex modulated optical signals.

Use this software to process and analyze raw data stored as .sdf, .mat, or .csv files from measurements with any Keysight OMA This capability allows you to work with the data as if you were working directly in front of the instrument. Develop your own signal processing algorithms and test them offline, together with your MATLAB compiler. In addition, this software is an effective tool for learning basic and advanced concepts of complex optical modulation, based on stored files.

Benefits of a standalone software installation include the following:

  • post-process recordings with various analysis parameters for your presentation without blocking the hardware
  • hands-on learning about complex optical transmission
  • offline use of Keysight's signal processing algorithm

Benefits of the scope hardware connection include the following:

  • Analyze your own receiver hardware in combination with a Keysight UXR-series, Z-series, or 90000 series real-time oscilloscope and OMA vector analysis software.
  • Get access to receiver calibration values (skew, gain imbalance, and so on) for evaluating sensitivity to these parameters.
  • Test your own IQ hybrid under real application conditions.

Try Before You Buy

  1. Download the latest version of the software by using the Photonic Applications Package Manager.
  2. Get a 30-day trial license for N4391SALC here.
  3. If you do not already have a valid license for 89601200C and 89601AYAC, apply for a 30-day trial license here.

For other related products, please see the basic photonics portfolio and UXR-Series oscilloscopes.

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