Keysight E8267D-544
250 kHz to 44 GHz
Keysight E8267D-544
250 kHz to 44 GHz
USD 144,440.80
List Price USD 412,688.00
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Keysight Used
Keysight E8267D-544 USD 144,440.80
USD 144,440.80 Save 65%
544 | Frequency range from 250 kHz to 44 GHz | Installed |
003 | PSG digital output connectivity with N5102A | Installed |
004 | PSG digital input connectivity with N5102A | Installed |
007 | Analog ramp sweep | Installed |
009 | Removable flash memory | Installed |
016 | Wideband differential external I/Q inputs | Installed |
1EH | Improved harmonics below 2 GHz | Installed |
1EU | Installed | |
403 | Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license | Installed |
602 | Internal baseband generator, 64 MSa memory | Installed |
HCC | Provides 250MHz - 10GHz In and Out on the rear panel | Installed |
SP1 | Signal Studio for Jitter injection, fixed perpetual license | Installed |
UNT | AM, FM, phase modulation, and LF output | Installed |
UNW | Narrow pulse modulation | Installed |
UNX | Ultra low phase noise | Installed |
Request a customized version of this model by requesting a Custom Quote
Get peace of mind only Keysight can offer. With KeysightCare Assured and manufacturer calibration.
New Keysight Calibration before shipping* Extends lead time by <4 weeks | USD 3,826.00 |
KeysightCare Assured - 1 year incl. Keysight Extended Warranty | USD 7,920.00 |
KeysightCare Assured - 2 years incl. Keysight Extended Warranty | USD 15,840.00 |
KeysightCare Assured - 3 years incl. Keysight Extended Warranty | USD 23,760.00 |
KeysightCare Assured - 5 years incl. Keysight Extended Warranty | USD 39,600.00 |
*If the unit is not yet calibrated (see listing), a calibration is required to purchase a KeysightCare plan.
Master the most complex signals with E8267D PSG Vector Signal Generator
The E8267D PSG Vector Signal Generator is the highest performance, fully-integrated microwave vector signal generator from 100 kHz to 44 GHz, allowing you to create realistic wideband radar, electronic warfare (EW), and satellite communications (SATCOM) waveforms.
- Test advanced receivers with realistic wideband radar, EW and Satcom waveforms with metrology-grade performance and versatile capabilities
- Simulate complex electromagnetic environments with up to 4 GHz of bandwidth
- Flexible, integrated 80 MHz AWG, real-time and baseband generator
- to simulate cellular, wireless, GPS and custom communications
- Reduce the time you spend creating complex signals with PathWave Signal Generation software: pulse building, noise power ratio (NPR), multi-tone signals, wireless & more
- Master your most complex signal requirements with the industry’s best SSB phase noise: 143 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
- Frequency Switching: < 16 ms
- Harmonics @1 GHz: = -28 to = -55 dBc
- Non-Harmonics @1 GHz: = 50 to = -80 dBc
- Output Power @1 GHz: -130 dBm to +21 dBm
- Phase Noise @1 GHz: (20 kHz offset) -143 dBc/Hz
- IQ Modulation BW Internal/External: 80 MHz to 4 GHz
Accessories only included if shown in the pictures. No power cord included.
Other accessories that are not listed and included in the offer can be purchased separately at an extra cost with your purchase of a Keysight Used or Keysight Premium Used unit. Please specify in the comment field which additional accessories or support you are interested in.
For separate or post-purchase ordering, please contact your local Keysight office or Keysight Partner here. Or check our online store if available for your region here.