Better Test Results. Faster!
Boost your productivity with premium technical support
KeysightCare unlocks premium technical support: 24/7 self-help on our support portal, individual support from dedicated experts and access to the Keysight Knowledge Center offering extensive resources for design and test engineers, like leverage programming examples, technical articles and support videos. Plus, KeysightCare gives you access to our premium expert courses from our education services.

Discover Our Extensive Support Portal
Whether you’re working to stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards, configuring intricate testing equipment, or facing tight deadlines– the portal provides personalized, proactive support, including technical articles, how-to videos, and case management in the Keysight Knowledge Center:
Our Dedicated Experts Help You Save Time
Our KeysightCare experts go beyond just helping you troubleshoot – they can help you find the right solution for your application and thus save valuable time. Here are some examples from customers like you.
Why Testing Pros Go for KeysightCare
Global survey by Keysight, 2019
need support in troubleshooting an issue
want technical questions answered and discussed