AC Coupling
AC coupling transmits AC signals between circuits while blocking DC, and is pivotal in oscilloscopes for isolating and analyzing AC components in electronics.
Acquisition Mode 采集模式
指定您的示波器当前是使用“自动”还是“正常”模式。在“自动”模式下,示波器会自动切换到正确的模式。 “正常”模式允许您自己切换到所有不同的模式,这使您能够在测量过程中发挥更积极的作用。
Active Probes 有源探头
Aliasing is the distortion that occurs when a signal is undersampled, resulting in false frequencies. Prevent it by sampling at least twice the highest signal frequency and using anti-aliasing filters.
Alternate Mode 交替模式
Analog Channels 模拟频道
Analog Oscilloscope Cathode-ray Tube 模拟示波器阴极射线管
Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) 模数转换器 (ADC)
Aperture Delay (APD) 孔径延迟 (APD)
APD 也称为“孔径抖动”。它是内部时钟的上升沿尝试打开比较器孔径与该孔径实际打开之间的时间误差。 APD 可能由晶体管延迟的变化、电压参考设置的变化或电源波动引起。
Arbitrary Waveform Mode 任意波形模式
Asynchronous Signals 异步信号
Attenuated Probes 衰减探头
Automotive Oscilloscopes
Automotive Oscilloscopes are diagnostic tools specifically tailored for automotive applications that captures, displays, and analyzes electrical signals within vehicle systems. Essential for modern automotive diagnostics, it addresses the increasing complexities of vehicles, including electric and advanced driver-assistance systems.
Band-Stop Filter
A band-stop filter is like a radio tuner that blocks specific unwanted stations while letting others play clearly. It's used in electronics to keep certain sounds or signals out.
Band Pass Filter
A band pass filter permits only a specific range of frequencies to pass through it, playing a critical role in electronics by filtering out unwanted frequencies from a signal.
Biphasic Signal
A biphasic signal alternates between positive and negative polarity, offering balanced energy transfer and improved system safety and efficiency in medical and electronic applications.
Bits (B) 位 (B)
是模数转换精度的一种度量。具有八位分辨率的信号在被数字化时将具有 28 或 256 个可能的幅度值之一。具有 10 位分辨率的信号在数字化时将具有 210 或 1024 个可能的幅度值。
Bit Error Rate (BER) or Bit Error Frequency (BEF) or Bit-Error Ratio (BERR) 误码率 (BER) 或误码频率 (BEF) 或误码比率 (BERR)
Circuit Loading 电路负载
Circular Economy
A circular economy minimizes waste and resource use by focusing on reducing, reusing, and recycling materials, promoting sustainable growth and environmental preservation.
Common Trigger Modes 常见触发模式
示波器的常见触发模式包括正常、自动和单次。当信号低于或高于设定点时,“正常”触发,具体取决于您使用的是交流跟踪还是直流跟踪。 “自动”让示波器自动计算出电压,然后在达到该水平后开始测量。 “Single”允许您精确选择示波器触发和开始测量的时间和地点。
Common Waveform Shape Terms 常用波形形状术语
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体
CMOS 是一种低功耗数字芯片,可以在非常高的速度下运行而不会过热或损坏。与其他类型的芯片相比,它们的功耗要低得多,非常适合手机等低功耗应用。
Control Channels 控制通道
DC Electronic Load Module
A DC electronic load module simulates various load conditions on a power supply by drawing controlled amounts of current, used for testing and evaluating power devices.
DC Power Supply
A DC power supply is a device that provides a constant direct current (DC) output voltage. It is used to power a wide range of electronic devices, from simple household appliances to complex industrial machinery.
Difference Mode Waveform 差模波形
差模波形显示两个电压之间的差异,而不是仅显示一个电压本身。例如,如果您同时使用共模和差分测量来测量 AC 信号,您会在波形显示上看到它们之间的差异。
Differential AC Voltage Measurement 差分交流电压测量
当您在示波器上测量 AC 信号的电压时,差分 AC 电压测量会将您的测试引线连接到具有不同电压的电路的两个不同部分。这意味着您将测量电压的正负差,这可以让您更准确地了解正在发生的情况。
Differential Mode Waveform 差模波形
Digital MultiMeter 数字万用表
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the science of modifying and analyzing electronic signals, such as the voice in a phone call or the music in a speaker. It allows devices to filter noises, enhance sounds, and perform tasks that make our electronic experiences richer and clearer.
Digital Oscilloscope 数字示波器
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO) 数字荧光示波器 (DPO)
Digital Sampling Oscilloscope 数字采样示波器
Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) 直接数字合成器 (DDS)
Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) 数字存储示波器 (DSO)
Directivity measures how well an antenna or device focuses energy in a specific direction, improving signal strength and reducing interference compared to omnidirectional radiation.
Double Pulse Test
A double pulse test evaluates the switching behavior of power semiconductors, measuring key parameters like energy losses and voltage spikes to optimize circuit performance and ensure reliability.
Electronic Loads
Electronic loads are test instruments designed to simulate real-world load conditions, enabling the accurate assessment of power devices such as power supplies and batteries. They sink and absorb power, allowing engineers to measure the voltage, current, and power characteristics of devices under various load scenarios.
Extended Acquisition Mode (EAM) 扩展采集模式 (EAM)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electronic devices to function properly in their electromagnetic environment without causing or being affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Electronic Beam Deflection 电子束偏转
EMI Testing
EMI Testing is the process of evaluating a device's electromagnetic emissions and immunity to ensure compliance with standards, minimize interference, and maintain reliable operation in its intended environment.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an algorithm that converts time-domain signals into their frequency components, enabling efficient analysis of signal frequencies for diagnostics and optimization.
Fourier Transforms
Fourier Transform is a mathematical method that converts a time-domain signal into its frequency components, enabling signal analysis, noise filtering, and system diagnostics in electronics, communications, and RF testing.
Inductance is the property of a conductor or coil that resists changes in current flow by generating a magnetic field and essential in energy storage and signal filtering.
Logic Gates
Logic gates are electronic switches in digital electronics that produce outputs based on their design. They include types like AND, OR, and NOT, with functionalities depicted using truth tables.
Magnetic Field
A magnetic field is a vector field that exerts a force on moving electric charges and magnetic materials, generated by electric currents or intrinsic magnetic moments of particles.
Manual Mode 手动模式
A magnetometer is an instrument used to detect and measure magnetic fields. In applications such as circuit design, sensor development, and electromagnetic interference, it quantifies the strength and direction of magnetism.
Mini Oscilloscope
A mini oscilloscope is a portable, affordable, and user-friendly tool for visualizing and analyzing electronic signals. It acquires, conditions, digitizes, and represents signals in a systematic manner.
Network Analysis
Network Analysis ia a systematic approach to understanding and optimizing the structure, behavior, and performance of interconnected systems or networks. It employs various tools and techniques to identify patterns, uncover anomalies, and enhance network efficiency.
Network Analyzer
A network analyzer measures and analyzes the electrical characteristics of RF and microwave networks, essential for designing, testing, and optimizing electronic systems.
Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit, stating that current flow is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance.
Radio Frequency (RF)
RF (Radio Frequency) covers electromagnetic waves from 20 kHz to 300 GHz, used in wireless communication and broadcasting. Essential RF components include transmitters and receivers, with oscilloscopes vital for testing.
Reference Signal 参考信号
Resistance Measurement
Resistance, measured in ohms (Ω), quantifies how much a material opposes electrical current flow.
Resolution Bandwidth
RBW determines the smallest frequency separation that a spectrum analyzer can distinguish, impacting measurement resolution, speed, and noise visibility during signal analysis.
Resonant Frequency
Resonant frequency is the frequency at which a system oscillates with maximum amplitude, optimizing circuit performance by minimizing or maximizing impedance depending on the circuit type.
Reverse Isolation
Reverse isolation evaluates the isolation between a device's output and input in electronics, crucial for accurate measurements and protecting sensitive components. This concept, vital for oscilloscopes and electronic circuits, influences the precision of signal readings and the integrity of device operations.
RLC Circuit
RLC circuits are composed of resistors, inductors, and capacitors. They can be used for tuning, filtering, and other applications.
Sampling Rate 采样率
采样率是仪器对模拟信号进行采样或数字化的频率。例如,如果您的示波器可以每百万分之一秒以 100 MHz 的频率进行采样,那么它将进行这些测量并存储它们以供以后查看。以这种方式创建示波器扫描。
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
SPI is a high-speed, full-duplex communication protocol used for short-distance data transfer between a master device and multiple slave devices in embedded systems.
Short Circuit
A short circuit occurs when an unintended low-resistance path allows excessive current to flow, causing potential damage, overheating, and fire hazards in electrical systems.
Spectrum Analysis
Spectrum analysis is the process of decomposing a complex signal into its individual frequencies. It is used in electrical engineering to understand complex signals, identify signal interference, and assess quality.
Spectrum Analyzer
A spectrum analyzer measures the amplitude of signals across a range of frequencies, allowing detailed analysis of signal behavior in the frequency domain, essential for RF and wireless applications.
System Pulsemeter
A System Pulsemeter measures and analyzes pulse characteristics like width, frequency, and timing, providing essential data for assessing the performance and integrity of electronic circuits and systems.
Vertical Scale 垂直刻度
Voltage Drop
Voltage drop is the decrease in electrical potential in a circuit due to resistance, inductance, and capacitance in conductors. This reduction occurs when current flows through components, causing energy loss as heat.