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Data Sheets
To get the most out of your Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope, you need the right probes and accessories for your particular applications. Whether you need the high bandwidth and low loading of an active probe, an easy way to connect to surface mount ICs, or a passive probe to measure high voltages,...
User Manuals
This document contains information about various characteristics, usage and performance verification procedures for DP0001A differential high voltage probes that you can use with a Keysight oscilloscope having 50 ohm input impedance.
Technical Overviews
To achieve the best results from your scope, you need the right probes and accessories for your particular application. Check out a complete family of innovative probes and accessories for InfiniiVision oscilloscopes.
Reference Guides
This card lists the accessories provided with the DP0001A probe and DP0002A accessory kit. It also shows the bandwidth values for each of these accessories at the 500:1 attenuation ratio.
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