Technical Support

16089B Medium Kelvin Clip Lead

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Application Notes
Learn the basics of impedance measurements using Keysight LCR meters, impedance analyzers, and network analyzers. Explore impedance measurement techniques and tools.
User Manuals
The purpose of this manual is to enable you to use your Keysight 16089A, B, C, Kelvin Clip Leads and Keysight 16089D Alligator Clip Leads efficiently and confidently. This manual contains both general and specific information.
This catalog introduces all the impedance test fixtures that can be used with LCR meters, Resistance Meters, Capacitance Meters, Impedance Analyzers, and Combination analyzers. ADDITIONAL MODELS: 16196A 16196B 16196C 16197A 16064B 16190B 16380A 16380C 42030A 42090A 42091A
User Manuals
Most of the basic information necessary for using the Keysight 4294A is provided in this manual. It describes installation, preparation, measurement operation including calibration, performances (specifications), key definitions, and error messages.
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