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N1911A P-Series Single Channel Power Meter
The Keysight N1911A P-Series single channel power meter provides peak, peak-to-average ratio, average power, rise time, fall time and pulse width measurements.
Starting from
- 30 MHz video bandwidth
- Single shot real time capture at 100 Msample/s per second
- Key Measurements: - peak, average, peak-to-average ratio, rise time, fall time and pulse width
- 22 Predefined formats: WiMAX, DME, HSDPA, etc.
- One screen view for pulse measurement analysis: Auto Scale, Auto Gate, Rise/Fall Time, Duty Cycle, etc.
- Internal Zeroing and Calibration while connecting to the DUT
- Your instrument now comes with the BenchVue Basic Power Meter/Sensor Control and Analysis App (BV0007B). The BenchVue software simplifies the process of connecting, controlling instruments, and automating test sequences. Download the BenchVue Basic App (BV0007B) for free to efficiently manage your power meter/sensor instrument
When used with the N192XA wideband power sensors, the N1911/12A P-Series power meter provides a measurement frequency range from 50 MHz to 40 GHz with an internal zero and calibration capability.
- LXI-C Compliance
- Average triggering for average power measurement
- Versatile connectivity with USB, LAN and GPIB standard
- High Speed Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) statistical analysis
- Compatible with the industry standard 8480 and E-series sensors which provide a wide dynamic range from -70 to +44 dBm, and a frequency coverage from 9 kHz to 110 GHz
- Compatibility with E932x power sensors
- Difference and ratio math functions : (A-B, B-A, A/B and B/A)
- 2-year calibration cycle
Designed for High Performance Measurement of Wireless Signals
- 30 MHz video bandwidth
- Single-shot, real-time capture at 100 Msamples per second
- 22 Predefined formats: WiMAX, DME, HSDPA, etc.
- One screen view for pulse measurement analysis: Auto Scale, Auto Gate, Rise/Fall Time, Duty Cycle, etc.
- Internal zeroing and calibration while connecting to the DUT
- Your instrument now comes with the BenchVue Basic Power Meter/Sensor Control and Analysis App (BV0007B). The BenchVue software simplifies the process of connecting, controlling instruments, and automating test sequences. Download the BenchVue Basic App (BV0007B) for free to efficiently manage your power meter/sensor instruments
- When used with the N192XA wideband power sensors, the N1911A power meter provides a measurement frequency range from 50 MHz to 40 GHz with an internal zero and calibration capability
- LXI-C Compliance
- Average triggering for average power measurement
- Versatile connectivity with USB, LAN and GPIB standard
- High Speed Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) statistical analysis
- Compatible with the industry standard 8480 and E-series sensors which provide a wide dynamic range from -70 to +44 dBm, and a frequency coverage from 9 kHz to 110 GHz
- Compatibility with E932x power sensors
- Difference and ratio math functions : (A-B, B-A, A/B and B/A)
- 2-year calibration cycle
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