
For more details: View Configuration Guide

Frequency Options

M9381A-F06Frequency range, 1 MHz to 6 GHz 
M9381A-F03Frequency range, 1 MHz to 3 GHz 


M9381A-B10RF modulation bandwidth, 100 MHz 
M9381A-B04RF modulation bandwidth, 40 MHz 
M9381A-B16RF modulation bandwidth, 160 MHz 


M9381A-M10Memory, 1024 MSa 
M9381A-M05Memory, 512 MSa 
M9381A-M01Memory, 32 MSa 

Output Power

M9381A-1EAHigh output power 

Fast Switching

M9381A-UNZFast switching 

LO Sharing for Phase Coherency

M9381A-012LO Sharing for phase coherency 

Analog Modulation

M9381A-UNTAnalog modulation 

Reference Module

M9381A-300PXIe Frequency Reference: 10 MHz and 100 MHz 

Certificate of calibration

M9381A-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data 


Y1212APXI slot blockers: qty 5, single slot 

Signal Creation Software

N7650BSignal Studio Waveform Licenses 
M9950ASoftware Extension License for Modular Instruments 


N6171AMATLAB Software 

Services and Software Licenses Services

For more details: View Configuration Guide

KeysightCare is available for this product. Learn More

KeysightCare Service Plan OC.

R-55A-001-2KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 2 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-3KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-5KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 5 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55C-001-2KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 2 years 
R-55C-001-3KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 3 years 
R-55C-001-5KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 5 years 

Return to service center warranty and service plan - includes Express Warranty.

R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 

Calibration service plan

R-50C-011-3Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-50C-011-5Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years 

Post-Purchase Upgrades Upgrades

M9381AUPXIe Vector Signal Generator Upgrades 

Frequency Upgrades

M9381AU-F06Frequency range from 3 GHz to 6 GHz 

Bandwidth Upgrades

M9381AU-B10RF modulation bandwidth from 40 MHz to 100 MHz 
M9381AU-B16RF modulation bandwidth from 100 MHz to 160 MHz 
M9381AU-BX1RF modulation bandwidth from 40 MHz to 160 MHz 

Memory Upgrades

M9381AU-M05Memory from 32 MSa to 512 MSa 
M9381AU-M10Memory from 512 MSa to 1024 MSa 
M9381AU-MX1Memory from 32 MSa to 1024 MSa 

Fast Switching Upgrades

M9381AU-UNZFast switching 

Analog Modulation Upgrades

M9381AU-UNTAnalog modulation 

Output Power Upgrades

M9381AU-1EAHigh output power 
R1286A-HUKeysight hardware upgrade installation services. 
United States