LCR meters and impedance analyzers stacked on top of each other

Achieve Success with the Industry Standard for Impedance Measurements

We have proudly contributed innovations and product excellence in impedance measurements for over half a century. Whether you work in research and development (R&D), production, or quality assurance, we deliver complete impedance measurement solutions to meet your needs. This includes LCR meters, impedance meters, and a wide variety of test accessories. Achieve success with Keysight’s impedance measurement solutions.

Impedance Measurement Methodology and Instrumentation

Impedance measurement data helps engineers design circuits and systems that require specific resistance, capacitance, and inductance values to perform optimally. To maximize power transfer and minimize reflections in RF devices, engineers must impedance-match each component in the RF chain. Delve into the details of impedance measurement circuit modes, test instruments, three-element equivalent circuits, sophisticated component models, and common measurement methods. Read this handbook to uncover the best measurement methodology and instruments for your impedance measurement needs.

Comparing Impedance Analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers

Real characteristics refer to characteristics of electrical devices, materials, and components under actual conditions such as frequency, signal level, DC bias, and temperature. Despite meeting the manufacturer’s specifications, components may exhibit different characteristics when integrated into a circuit. Uncover how to capture real characteristics of high-quality components using an impedance analyzer. In this application note, learn about component, printed circuit board, on-wafer, and material characteristic evaluation. Evaluate the measurement capabilities of impedance analyzers from milliohms to megaohms and from 20 Hz to 3 GHz frequency range.

Use Precision LCR Meters to Improve Electronic Product Quality and Performance

Intense competition in the electronics market puts high demands on the components used, requiring increased attention to performance and specifications. However, ensuring component quality and behavioral consistency is challenging because of differences between the manufacturer’s specifications and actual operating conditions. Read this application note to learn how applying passive component measurements using precision LCR meters during incoming inspection and R&D improves product quality.

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