
Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) 2011.07 adds the following new and improved capabilities:

  • New Eigenmode Solver – quickly find resonant frequencies for cavity structures
  • FDTD Speed Improvements – GPU acceleration support for objects with conformal mesh
  • FEM Speed Improvements – iterative solver now supports CPU multithreading
  • Cadence Allegro™ Interface – import PCB designs for 3D EM analysis
  • 3D Modeling GUI Enhancements – toolbars, hotkeys, cutplanes and more


EMPro 2011.04What’s New in EMPro 2011.07?

EMPro 2011.07 delivers several new and improved capabilities for the FDTD simulator, FEM simulator and the 3D Modeling Environment. If you are new to EMPro, take a look at the Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) main page.

New Eigenmode Solver

This new solver quickly finds the resonant frequencies for devices such as cavity filters, a common high-frequency component used in wireless communication systems. Filter designers can also visualize the resulting electromagnetic fields at each resonant frequency and make adjustments to the cavity structure to optimize filter performance. Based on FEM technology, this feature requires an FEM Simulator Element license.

EMPro 2011.07

FDTD Speed Improvements

An earlier release introduced conformal meshing for models with curved or non-orthogonal surfaces. In EMPro 2011.07, objects with conformal meshes can now take advantage of GPU acceleration. When using CUDA-based GPU cards from NVIDIA, FDTD simulation speed can be increased 6x with a single card and 10x with dual cards as shown in accompanying chart.

GPU Acceleration

FEM Speed Improvements

The Finite Element Method simulator in EMPro 2011.07 features CPU multithreading enhancements to the iterative solver, resulting in a 2x speed improvement on computers with quad-core CPUs. Note that the FEM direct solver also supports CPU multithreading.

Cadence Allegro™ Interface

PC board designs can now be directly imported from Cadence Allegro™ to EMPro 2011.07, where various signal integrity and EMI analyses can be performed.

3D Modeling GUI Enhancements

EMPro 2011.07 incorporates several new features that improve ease of use and design efficiency.

  • New toolbars and hotkeys make it easier and faster to perform common operations.

EMPro 2011.07 Toolbar

  • New cutplanes enable the user to view internal details of complex structures and easily snap to internal objects.
  • The Advanced Visualization window now includes 3D (volume) field strength plots and maximum field strength locators.

EMPro 2011.07 Advanced Visualization Window

Looking for another version? View other EMPro Product Versions.

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