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MP4303A Modular Power System 10 kW Mainframe, 200 / 208 VAC
10 kW Mainframe, 200 / 208 VAC
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The Keysight MP4303A solar array simulator (SAS) is a modular power system with a 10-kW mainframe and 200 / 208 volts alternating current (VAC) that accommodates up to six slots for SAS modules in a compact 2U footprint.
The Keysight MP4300 Series Solar Array Simulators (SAS) is a family of 1 kW and 1.4 kW modular power systems in a 2U footprint. The 10 kW mainframes can accommodate up to six slots for SAS modules, achieving excellent power and channel density.
Furthermore, the MP4300 Series SAS can simulate solar panels in a spacecraft while offering the highest density, efficiency, and reliability — minimizing rack space and providing the best total cost of ownership. The platform features LAN / LXI, USB, and optional GPIB interfaces.
The MP4300 Series offers autoranging output for greater flexibility (with Keysight MP4361A, MP4351A, and MP4352A modules only).
- Support up to 160 V, up to ± 20 A, and 1.4 kW per module.
- Enable solar array simulation.
- Operate in two-quadrant modes, such as solar array simulator and regenerative electronic load.
- Provide fast IV curve change and fast recovery time.
- Achieve rapid deployment and debugging of new test systems with the help of an intuitive five-inch touchscreen interface.
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