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Instrument Firmware ∕ Software
Keysight i3070 Inline PLC Software ReleaseKeysight i3070 Inline PLC Software Release
Current Version: 1.49 | 2014-12-29
Computer Software
Bead Probe Dimension CheckerA formula-based spreadsheet that guides you to check the dimensions of the beads on your board.
Current Version: 1.0 | 2022-12-20
Instrument Firmware ∕ Software
Keysight i3070 09.00px Software ReleaseKeysight Technologies is pleased to introduce the i3070 09.00px software release for existing i3070 series of in-circuit testers.
Current Version: 09.00pa | 2015-11-05
Current Version: 09.20pc | 2018-11-01
Instrument Firmware ∕ Software
Control XTPA new firmware version xtpa_14091012_2.xsvfThe new Control XTPA “14091012_2” firmware is to improve safeguard timeout accuracy of diagnostics test 1256. It is recommended to update this new firmware to all the Control XTPA cards. Please refer to Service Note 3070-91 for details.
Current Version: 14091012_2 | 2015-01-16
Computer Software
Keysight i3070 08.40px Software PatchesThis software patch should only be installed on Microsoft Windows systems with i3070 08.40p software release. It can be installed on systems with i3070 test system or i3070 development workstation..
Current Version: 08.40pc | 2014-11-03
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 08.30px Software PatchesKeysight Medalist i3070 08.30px Software Patches
Current Version: 08.30pb | 2013-01-28
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 08.21pa Software PatchThe main objective of this software patch is to solve change request specific to 08.21p on Windows 7 OS. It also included change requests such as DC capacitor test that causes subsequent unpowered test with ed option to time out. It enhanced with a new board setting allowing the users to control the Interactive program generator (IPG) for writing AC or DC capacitor tests.
Current Version: 08.21pa | 2012-01-30
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 08.20px Software PatchesThe software patch enables external dynamic- link library (DLL) calls for any application usage such as retrieval and update of test data to server.This software patches also addresses the change request: CR34150 to resolve ASRU N revision diagnostics test number 2824 issue.
Current Version: 08.20pe | 2011-12-20
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 Series 5 08.00px Software PatchesThe 08.00pa software patch release aims to improve software 08.00p stability and quality.
Current Version: 3070 | 2010-04-26
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 07.20px Software PatchesFor the latest enhancements and updates on the i3070 07.20p software, please download this patch and install it over your existing i3070 07.20p software.
Current Version: 07.20pd | 2009-11-26
Scanworks version 3.9.2 PCI-400 driverThis driver should be installed on the XW4600 PC Controllers that are shipped after 24 Jun 2009, if the customer is using i3070 software release earlier than version 07.20p and running Scanworks. Instructions and Service Note 3070-81 are within.
Current Version: 3.9.2 | 2009-10-05
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 07.10px Software PatchesThis Software Patch includes some updates in some features in the i3070 software release 07.10p.
Current Version: 07.10pd | 2008-12-15
Computer Software
Keysight Medalist i3070 07.00px Software PatchesFor the latest enhancements and features on the i3070 07.00 software, please download this patch and install it over your existing i3070 07.00p software.
Current Version: 07.00pf | 2007-07-31
Computer Software
Keysight i3070 Latest Software ReleaseThe latest downloadable software release for i3070 in-circuit testers (ICT).
Current Version: 11.10p | 2024-11-27
New Bootpt.exe file for i3070The boot issue might occur due to a defect in the BOOTP Turbo software. You can install a newer version of BOOTP Turbo software to resolve the issue
Current Version: NA | 2018-05-10
Instrument Firmware ∕ Software
New firmware for i-system card (P/N: N1807-63603) to retain fixture lockThis new firmware will solve the auto unlock issue by retaining the fixture position during soft reboot or execution of the “testhead power on” command.
Current Version: n/a | 2011-10-17
Control XTP card new firmware version xtp_11060116.xsvfThe new control XTP firmware version “xtp_11060116_1.xsvf” for both the old NEC 4Mx4bit SRAM and the NEC 2Mx8bit SRAM. It is backward compatible for both SRAM.
Current Version: 11060116_1 | 2011-06-15
Current Version: 09.10pa | 2018-02-01
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