The Right Balance of Reliability and Speed

Get the high throughput, repeatability, and reliability you need for fundamental network analysis tests. The ENA series vector network analyzers offer mid-range performance in a wide variety of measurement applications. From basic impedance analysis to general-purpose RF component characterization, the ENA network analyzer family provides the essential VNA measurements every RF engineer needs.

  • Get better results in less time using the intuitive user interface
  • Create accurate, dependable test stations for passive component characterization
  • Get broad workflow coverage from R&D to manufacturing through an assortment of software applications
  • Secure your assets with upgradeable software and hardware
  • Perform linear and nonlinear device characterization
  • Conduct high-speed serial interconnect analysis with time domain, frequency domain, and eye diagram analysis
  • Run material measurements, impedance analysis, and power integrity analysis on upgradeable software applications
E5063A ENA network analyzer

Drive Down the Cost of Test

Increasing product complexity, tightly integrated designs, and the demand for higher manufacturing yields are some of the challenges you face in production test. In a perfect world, you will meet your product quality goals while reducing the cost of test.

The ENA vector network analyzer reduces the cost of ownership and the cost of test with its flexibility, reliability, and upgradability. To learn more, read the following application note.

Simplify Mixer Characterization

Complex measurement setups and unwanted errors make characterizing nonlinear devices like mixers difficult. Simplify your mixer characterization to increase your throughput with scalar mixer calibration (SMC) and vector-mixer calibration (VMC) on your ENA RF network analyzer. These calibration techniques allow you to easily evaluate mixer parameters such as conversion loss, group delay, intermodulation distortion, and more.

E5071C ENA RF network analyzer simplifies mixer characterization

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