Remotely spawn and control multiple PathWave Test Automation sessions through HTTP REST interface.


Use HTTP REST to Control TAP

  • Remotely spawn and control multiple sessions
  • Create, load and execute test plans
  • Modify external parameters and test step properties
  • Change settings and return logs and results
  • WebRunner production GUI provides visual REST API client

Simple Development Workflow

  • Start the KS8106A REST API Plugin
  • Use your favorite programming/scripting language to remotely spawn the REST API sessions, load/run test plans, change settings/profiles, and retrieve results
  • Use WebSocket to retrieve real-time log messages, test step and test plan results

Flexible Software Licensing

  • Network/floating licenses with either perpetual or annual time frame

PathWave Test Automation is a modern Microsoft .NET-based application that can be used stand-alone or in combination with higher level test executive software environments. KS8106A REST API Plugin enables remotely spawning and controlling multiple sessions. Each of the sessions can create, load and execute test plans, modify external parameters and step properties, change settings and return logs and results. All accessible remotely through a HTTP REST (Representational State Transfer) interface. The KS8106A is built using .NET Core and runs on both Windows and Linux.

For more information about Test Automation Software, please visit PathWave Test Automation Software.

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