Keeping Up with the Pace of Threats

With an astonishing 350,000 malware samples detected in the wild and over 60 new vulnerabilities being detected and disclosed on average every day, trying to stay ahead of the threat is a real challenge. Security validation and assurance teams are practically required to use security tools that support modern, integrated automation.

Attackers leverage automation to increase their capacities, so security engineers will be at a disadvantage if they rely on the historically manual processes from the past. Security activities like security efficacy and performance testing, security policies tuning, CyberRange training all require automation if security engineers are to have a chance at keeping up with the onslaught of attacks.

In today’s dynamic networks where the only constant is change, keeping the right balance between network performance and security controls is a moving target that requires solid change management policies. Automated continuous test and validation practices are needed to make sure that the users’ quality of experience does not degrade, and the security posture remains solid.

Pace of Threats graphic

BreakingPoint Security Test Automation

REST API for Test Automation icon

BreakingPoint is the industry leader for application performance and network security testing. By simulating real-world legitimate traffic, distributed denial of service (DDoS), exploits, malware, and fuzzing, BreakingPoint validates an organization’s security infrastructure, reduces the risk of network degradation by almost 80%, and increases attack readiness by nearly 70%.

BreakingPoint’s unique capabilities are also accessible through a REST API directly or via a Python-wrapped library, or ROBOT library, or TCL library. These APIs provide users the flexibility they need in today’s world where DevOps and DevSecOps development & delivery are becoming the norm.

BreakingPoint’s automation capabilities enable continuous testing. At every stage of the product development lifecycle including design, deploy, optimize and train, BreakingPoint security test automation can streamline testing and deliver unique benefits.

Validate the security posture of your networks with real applications and complete range of threat vectors

BreakingPoint VE
Virtual edition of Breaking Point. Validate the security posture of your networks with real applications and complete range of threat vectors.

Not all Test Automation Support is The Same

Is automation support just a checkbox on your list of requirements?

The need for automation in your validation tool is a given, but automation capabilities in different tools are not the same. Clear expectations for automation will help in the selection process and the right tool will make automation easier and faster.

Every automation framework is unique, however, there are some common attributes that most require. Proper automation support in a test tool will make it easier to integrate into almost any framework. Keysight BreakingPoint provides these unique capabilities:

  • Well designed data-model driven REST API that uses structured JSON for passing information
  • Support for legacy languages like TCL and modern languages like Python
  • Built-in, interactive REST API browser that allows tests to be debugged faster
  • Secure access to the API to ensure only authorized use of the test tool
  • Comprehensive documentation with supporting samples that is easy to navigate and search
Keysight BPS

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