Keysight’s N1010A FlexDCA is the software that runs Keysight’s digital communication analyzer (DCA) family of sampling oscilloscopes (also known as equivalent-time oscilloscopes). A DCA is an instrument that helps visualize and analyze the analog properties of high-speed signals such as those used in wireline telecom and data center links.

FlexDCA is installed at the factory on DCA-X mainframes but can also be installed on a PC to control a DCA-M or remotely control a DCA-X.

  • Powerful and flexible capability: Basic measurements are built in, and you can add packages as needed.
  • Consistent results: Use in design to simulate and analyze signals, in the lab to characterize prototypes, and in production and support to operate equipment remotely.

In addition to the data acquisition and basic measurement capabilities the N1010A FlexDCA software provides, Keysight offers a large selection of software tools with powerful capabilities:

  • N1010100A, research and development package for the FlexDCA sampling oscilloscope software: This package is intended for R&D engineers who want to characterize their designs and gain more insight into why a signal deviates from the expected performance. It includes FlexRT Advanced for optical measurements on UXR-Series Oscilloscopes.
  • N1010200A, manufacturing package for the FlexDCA sampling oscilloscope software: This package focuses on cost of test in optical transceiver manufacturing applications with capabilities such as FlexEye that enhance measurement flexibility. It includes measurements such as TDECQ and FlexRT Basic for optical measurements on UXR-Series Oscilloscopes.
  • N1010300A, signal integrity package for the FlexDCA sampling oscilloscope software: This package adds powerful tools to measure impedances, transfer characteristics, S-parameter calculations to the basic TDR / TDT measurements, and FlexPLL for phase-locked loop measurements.
  • FlexOTO, FlexOTO software is designed for high optical lane count testing on 800G/1.6T and multi-channel applications to improve test efficiency and increase utilization of DCA-M hardware without compromising measurement integrity.

For a mapping of legacy FlexDCA feature-based options to each of the software packages available, refer to DCA Configuration Guide under N1010x00A Analysis Packages mapping table.

N1091CKCA Electrical TX Test SW for IEEE802.3ck

DCA Compliance Applications

Test to the exact specifications of each technology standard

  • verified by Keysight experts who sit on multiple technology boards
  • tests include OIF CEI 3.1, IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), SFF-8431 (SFP+), and more
  • supports user-defined applications

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