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Instrument Firmware/Software
License ServerFor installing the compatible floating license server software package on a computer or 16900, 16800, or 1680 series logic analysis system.
Current Version: 04.00 | 2008-12-18
Instrument Firmware/Software
Keysight License Manager 5 DownloadKeysight License Manager 5 is a free software utility that enables you to manage licenses for software and hardware capabilities on Keysight instruments, and on PCs hosting Keysight software products.
Current Version: 5.7.0 | 2024-11-21
Computer Software
PathWave License Manager DownloadPathWave License Manager software supports licensing for many Keysight software products and allows you to install licenses and view licensing data.
Current Version: 7.5.0 | 2024-11-19
Computer Software
Keysight License Manager 6 DownloadKeysight Licensing Tools 6 bundles a set of free software license management tools and documentation that enables you to easily manage licenses for your Keysight software products.
Current Version: | 2023-09-05
Computer Software
P7000A Demo Software License DownloadTrial license for P7000A Base Station Measurement Automation Solution
Current Version: 1.0 | 2021-01-08
Instrument Firmware/Software
34450A Digital Multimeter License InstallerThis installer enables you to upgrade your Keysight 34450A 5.5 digit digital multimeter with 50,000 points memory and GPIB connectivity.
Current Version: | 2016-03-10
Computer Software
FlexNet Publisher's License Server ManagersUse these tools to administer floating licenses on a license server. It includes lmadmin, lmgrd, lmutil, lmtools, etc.
Current Version: | 2015-03-20
Instrument Firmware/Software
License Server (Version 06.00, 32-bit)For installing the compatible floating license server software package on a computer or 16900, 16800, or 1680 series logic analysis system (32-bit).
Current Version: 6.00 | 2014-09-17
Computer Software
Keysight License Server for Windows 64 DownloadThis download is for installation on x64 hardware platforms that run Windows 64-bit operating systems.
Current Version: 2024.07.17 | 2024-08-09
Computer Software
Keysight License Server for Linux 64 DownloadThis download is for installation on x64 hardware platforms that run Linux 64-bit (RHEL) operating systems.
Current Version: 2024.07.17 | 2024-08-09
Computer Software
Perform the Infiniium CCL Licensing UpdateIf prompted, download and install this update.
Current Version: | 2023-03-23
Computer Software
Keysight License Server for Windows 32 DownloadThis download is for installation on x86 hardware platforms that run Windows 32-bit operating systems.
Current Version: 2021.12.08 | 2022-02-10
Instrument Firmware/Software
N5435A Infiniium License Server (Version 02.00)Keysight N5435A Infiniium license server software for Infiniium oscilloscopes.
Current Version: 02.00 | 2012-04-16
Computer Software
FLEXnet 11.9.0 Windows (License Tools Installer)The License Wizard automates the setup of a local license server and creates a windows service for automated reboot. This is available for 32 and 64 bit platforms. (Includes FLEXnet and License Wizard
Current Version: 11.9.0 | 2011-10-14
Computer Software
Keysight Licensing USB Driver for Linux 64 DownloadThis download is for installation on 64-bit hardware platforms that run Linux 64-bit operating systems.
Current Version: 6.51 | 2025-01-15
Computer Software
Keysight Licensing USB Driver for Windows 64 DownloadThis download is for installation on 64-bit hardware platforms that run Windows x64 operating systems.
Current Version: 6.51.3477.500 | 2025-01-10
Computer Software
Keysight Licensing USB Driver for Windows 32 DownloadThis download is for installation on 32-bit hardware platforms that run Windows x86 operating systems.
Current Version: 6.30b | 2014-11-04
Computer Software
N1091CKCA TX Test Application Software and 30-Day Trial LicenseKeysight N1091CKCA IEEE 802.3ck measurement and debug application software for N1000A DCA-X family oscilloscopes.
Current Version: | 2024-11-15
Computer Software
N1095BSCA Optical TX Test Software and 30-Day Trial LicenseKeysight N1095BSCA Optical TX Test SW for IEEE 802.3bs/cd (50/100/200/400 Gb/s) for N1092 DCA-M oscilloscopes.
Current Version: | 2024-09-27
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