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N7700100C Polarization Lambda Scan Software License
PLS software license for Keysight Photonic Application Suite
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Enables polarization-dependent swept-wavelength multichannel measurements with the PAS LS engine and PAS IL/PDL engine, as well as measurements without varying polarization with the PAS LS engine and PAS FSIL engine.
- single-sweep multichannel measurement of polarization-dependent insertion loss and optical\electrical responsivity parameters
- Yields IL, PDL, IL at principal axes (TE/TM or s/p), O/E responsivity (average, min/max vs. polarization), return loss, other derived parameters
- FLS measurements without additional N7700102C license
- Static polarization setting for probe alignment or device optimization or fixed-polarization scan
- Fast polarization switching during single-sweep-PDL minimizes sensitivity to vibrations and drift
- 60 dB dynamic range, extendable to > 80 dB with power range stitching
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