
Analysis Software Applications with support

D9010DMBADe-embedding Software (Precision Probe, InfiiniSim Basic) 
D9010POWAPower Integrity Analysis Software 
D9010UDAAUser Defined Application Software 
D9020ASIAAdvanced Signal Integrity Software (EQ, InfiiniSimAdv, Crosstalk) 
D9020JITAEZJIT Complete - Jitter, Vertical and Phase Noise Analysis Software 
D9020SCNAInfiniiScan Measurement and Zone Triggering Software 
D9010WSAAWideband Signal Analysis Acceleration Package 
D9020WSAAWideband Signal Analysis Acceleration Extended Package 
D9020PAMAPulse Amplitude Modulation PAM-N Analysis Software 

Software, Protocol Applications with support

D9010EKRP10G/100GBASE-KR 64b/66b and Link Training Decode/Trigger Software 
D9010EMBPEmbedded Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (USB2.0, eUSB2, 10/100 ETH, PCIe 2/1 ...) 
D9010LSSPLow Speed Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (I2C, SPI, RS232, I2S, JTAG ...) 
D9010MCDPMIPI CSI and DSI Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (C-PHY and D-PHY) 
D9010MILPMilitary Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (ARINC 429, MIL-STD 1553, SpaceWire) 
D9010MPLPLow Speed MIPI Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (RFFE, I3C, SPMI) 
D9010AUTPAutomotive Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (CAN, CAN-FD, CAN-XL, LIN, FlexRay, SENT) 
D9010MPMPMIPI M-PHY Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (DigRF,LLI,CSI-3,UniPro,UFS,SSIC) 
D9010PCIPAdvanced PCIe Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (PCIe 6/5/4/3/2/1, SATA/SAS) 
D9010USBPUSB4v2, USB4, USB 3.x, and eUSB2 Protocol Decode/Trigger Software 
D9020AUTPHigh Speed Automotive Protocol Decode/Trigger Software (100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1, 10Base-T1S) 
D9020BDLPComplete Infiniium Protocol Decode/Trigger Bundle 
D9020FECPFEC (KP4) 400GE/800GE (50/100G Optical and Electrical lane) Decode/Trigger SW 

Software, Compliance Applications with support

D9010BJAC40GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-CR10 Tx Compliance Software 
D9010BJBC100GBASE-KR4 Tx Compliance Software 
D9010BJCC100GBASE-CR4 Tx Compliance Software 
D9010CAUCCAUI-4 Ethernet Tx Compliance Software 
D9010CEICOIF-CEI 4.0 Compliance Application for Infiniium Real-Time Oscilloscopes 
D9010CPHCMIPI C-PHY Tx Compliance Software 
D9010EAPCEthernet 10GBASE-KR Tx Compliance Software 
D9010EBSCIEEE802.3bs/cd Compliance Application for Infiniium Real-Time Oscilloscopes 
D9010ETHCEthernet Tx Compliance Software (Ethernet, EEE) 
D9010SFPCSFP+ Tx Compliance Software 
D9010USBCUSB 2.0 Tx Compliance Software 
D9010XAUCXAUI Tx Compliance Software 
D9020DPHCMIPI D-PHY Tx Compliance Software 
D9020USBCUSB 3.2 Tx Compliance Software 
D9021HDMCHDMI Tx Compliance Software 
D9030DDRCDDR3 and LPDDR3 Tx Compliance Software 
D9040DDRCDDR4 and LPDDR4 Tx Compliance Software 
D9040DPPCDisplayPort Tx Compliance Software 
D9040EDPVeDP Tx Validation Software 
D9040MPHCMIPI M-PHY Tx Compliance Software 
D9040PCICPCI Express Tx Compliance Software 
D9050DDRCDDR5 Tx Compliance Software 
D9050PCICPCI Express5 Tx Compliance Software 
D9040USBCUSB4 Transmitter Compliance Test Software 
D9050LDDCLPDDR5 Tx Compliance Software 
D9060GDDCGDDR6 Tx Compliance Test Software 
D9042DPPCDisplayPort UHBR Tx Compliance Software 
D9050CEICElectrical TX Test SW for OIF-CEI-112G VSR/MR/LR 
D90103CKCElectrical TX Test SW for IEEE 802.3ck (C2C, C2M, CR and KR at 100Gb/s) 
D9050USBCUSB4v2 Test Software 
AE6920TAutomotive Ethernet Tx Compliance Software 10M to 10GBASE-T1 
D90103BQCIEEE 802.3bq (25GBASE-T) physical layer validation application 
D9050MPHCMIPI G5 M-PHY Tx Compliance Software 


N2125AUXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm 
N2126AUXR Scope Calibration Module, 1.85mm 
N2127AUXR Scope Calibration Module, 3.5mm 
N2156ARack mount kit for Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope 
N2158ATransportation Case for Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope 
N2164AInfiniium UXR-Series Multi-Frame Base Cable Kit for First Two UXR-Series Frames 
N2165AInfiniium UXR-Series Add an Additional UXR-Series Frame to a Multi-Frame Base Kit 

Services and Software Licenses Services

KeysightCare is available for this product. Learn More

KeysightCare Service Plan OC.

R-55A-001-2KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 2 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-3KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-5KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 5 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55C-001-2KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 2 years 
R-55C-001-3KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 3 years 
R-55C-001-5KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 5 years 

Return to service center warranty and service plan

R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 
R-51B-001-3CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-51B-001-5CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 5 years 

Calibration service plan

R-50C-011-3Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-50C-011-5Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years 
R-50C-011-MU-3Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 3 years 
R-50C-011-MU-5Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years 
R-50C-016-3Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 3 years 
R-50C-016-5Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years 

Post-Purchase Upgrades Upgrades

N2166AUpgrade 1Ch Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope 5 GHz 1mm model to 2Ch 25 GHz 1mm model 