
Para mais detalhes: Veja o guia de configuração

Advanced Feature

N1000A-PLKPattern Lock Trigger Hardware 
N1000A-PTBInternal Precision Timebase (Requires Option LOJ) 

Calibration Documentation

N1000A-UK6Commercial Calibration Certificate with Test Data 

Peripheral Connection

N1000A-GPIGPIB Card Interface 

Trigger and Timebase

N1000A-LOJLow Jitter Timebase 
N1000A-STBStandard Timebase 

Software Package

N1010000ADemo All FlexDCA Features (INTERNAL ONLY) 
N1010100AResearch and Development Package for FlexDCA 
N1010200AManufacturing Package for FlexDCA 
N1010300ASignal Integrity Package for FlexDCA 

Serviços e Licenças de Software Garantia, Calibração e Serviços

Para mais detalhes: Veja o guia de configuração

KeysightCare está disponível para este produto. Saiba mais

KeysightCare Service Plan OC.

R-55A-001-2KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 2 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-3KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-5KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 5 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 

Return to service center warranty and service plan

R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 
R-51B-001-3CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-51B-001-5CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 5 years 

Calibration service plan

R-50C-011-3Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-50C-011-5Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years 

Services for DCA series

PS-S10Remote scheduled productivity assistance hours 
PS-S20-01Recommended Startup assistance, daily 
PS-S20Startup assistance, daily 
PS-X10Solution Engineer Professional Services, Daily 