Monthly payment plan that makes acquiring test equipment simple.


Start testing faster and more efficiently with KeysightAccess lease-based subscription service. By making predictable monthly payments for a fixed term, you can quickly integrate advanced testing solutions without the typical delays associated with procurement and setup. This means shorter lead times, faster project initiation, and a significant reduction in time-to-market.

Select a 12, 24, or 36 month term, and make monthly payments to:

  • Access high-performance test instruments, software, and technical expertise with no upfront cost.
  • Balance technical and financial risks with fixed terms leveraging OpEx budgets. 
  • Maximize uptime, quickly optimize your measurement, and get the answers you need at the fastest available time.

Available in select locations.

Navigate Complexity

Innovation today means developing better products faster and at lower costs to meet stringent requirements. KeysightAccess helps you achieve those goals and support your business needs. With KeysightAccess, you can manage your business test strategy.

Additionally, the included KeysightCare coverage maximizes your test system uptime and mitigates project risk with committed turnaround times for hardware, software, and technical support.

Keysight Care and Keysight Access diagram

KeysightAccess Accelerates Test

Working with 5G has its challenges. Listen in as Steve Prendergast discusses how he helped a customer working in augmented reality integrate the latest 5G technology into next-generation products.

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