The Keysight IxChariot software includes a floating license add-on with 10 pairs of performance endpoints to help you manage your tests from a modern, intuitive web-based user interface.


  • Assess network performance in real time, including wireless and geo-location.
  • Ensure your devices and networks run reliably with a robust software-based solution.
  • Validate Wi-Fi® clients and access points (APs) based on the Wi-Fi Alliance certification tool.
  • Leverage distributed and portable performance endpoints deployed on mobile, PC, Mac, or within any hypervisor or cloud provider.
  • Control the performance of your devices, networks, and applications, such as throughput, packet loss, jitter, delay,  and application latency.
  • Emulate and report key metrics like mean opinion score (MOS) from complex application flows, including voice and video services like Netflix, YouTube, and Youku, to understand the ability of your network and equipment to deliver a quality user experience.

Extend the Capabilities of Your Product

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