Common Criteria, FIPS 140–2, and DoDIN APL

Federally-accredited security for Keysight's Network Packet Brokers

All of our Network Packet Brokers are now Common Criteria, FIPS 140–2 and DoDIN APL listed. Government agencies, military, and other security-conscious organizations can be assured that these visibility solutions meet the highest standards of security integrity.

The most recent certifications utilize a software module approach, which means these new certificates will always benefit from the latest software enhancements. The certificates will be valid on all Vision NPBs, including Vision Edge OS and future Vision NPBs.

What is FIPS 140–2?

FIPS 140–2 is a set of standards created by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the CCCS (Canadian Centre for Cyber Security) that outlines security requirements for cryptographic solutions and modules.

Products are tested against eleven areas of security requirements related to the design and implementation of a cryptographic module with each module receiving a security level rating from 1 to 4.

Vision network packet brokers running v5.x software including Vision ONE, Vision X, Vision E10s, E40, and E100 as well as TradeVision are FIPS 140–2 level 1 validated. Additionally Vision ONE on v4.5 is FIPS 140–2 level 2 validated, while Vision 7300 on v4.5 was previously level 1 validated.

What IS Common Criteria Certification

The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (abbreviated as Common Criteria or CC) is an international standard for computer security certification.

Certification for Keysight network packet brokers using v5.3 software is in progress, with estimated completion mid-2020. Vision ONE on v4.5 software were certified against NDcPP v1.0 on 10/30/2017.

What Is the DoDIN APL?

The Department of Defense created the Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DoDIN APL) in 2011 to identify solutions that were tested and trusted to address government security concerns.

The DoDIN APL represents the agency’s master list of products available for purchase that are secure, trusted, and approved for deployment within the DoD’s technology infrastructure. Effective 4/20/2020, Vision network packet brokers running v5.3 software including Vision ONE, Vision X, Vision E10s, E40 and E100 as well as TradeVision are listed. Additionally, Vision ONE and Vision 7300 were previously listed running v4.5 software effective 2/14/2017.

These DoDIN APL listings make a wide range of high performance, easy to use network visibility solutions available to government and federal customers.

Network Packet Brokers

High Performance hardware acceleration—no dropped packets even with features and filters turned on with easy to use GUI.

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