Get Versatile Multiport and Multisite Capabilities

Get scalable, multiport vector network analysis in less space. Our PXI vector network analyzers (VNAs) perform fast, accurate measurements and reduce your cost-of-test. Simultaneously characterize many devices — two-port or multiport — using a single PXI chassis. By combining independent, two-port network analyzer modules into one chassis your multisite, multi-DUT, and multiport test applications scale flexibly. Use all ports to simultaneously measure your devices with multiport error correction.​

Multiport, multi-measurement, single connection

The Keysight M983xA PXIe VNA consolidates your modulated signal measurements in a simple setup, enabling multisite, multi-DUT, and multiport system characterization with greater flexibility and speed.

Multi Modules with Interconnect Cables 3 Slots

Extend Your Capabilities With The Right Tools

Technology constantly changes, as do the requirements engineers face. Accelerate your product development by complimenting your existing hardware with the right test accessories and Keysight PathWave software.


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