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사용자 메뉴얼
This document describes the 50Ω type-N calibration kit is used to calibrate Keysight network analyzers up to 18 GHz for measurements of components with 50Ω type-N connectors. The standards in this calibration kit allow you to perform simple 1- or 2-port and TRM (thru–reflect–match) calibrations.This...
사용자 메뉴얼
This User's Guide Supplement is intended for network analyzers using firmware upgrade 7.60 and above which gives the analyzer four-parameter display capability. This supplement describes the new features of this firmware upgrade and how to use them. Where appropriate, this supplement refers to the...
Zip file containing the .xkt files for all Keysight calibration kits. Most of these files are already contained in the VNA firmware.
애플리케이션 노트
This application note covers calibration standard definitions, calibration kit content, and the structure requirements for Keysight's vector network analyzers.
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