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PX0107A Low Noise Filter Adapter
The Adapter converting Dsub25 outputs to five SMB outputs with the low noise filtering capability
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The PX0107A converts Dsub25 outputs to five SMB outputs with the low noise filtering capability down to 25 μVrms (20 MHz). It supports the Keysight M9614/15A.
The Keysight PX0107A converts Dsub25 outputs to five SMB outputs with the low noise filtering capability. It supports the Keysight M9614/15A.
- Low noise filtering capability down to 25 μVrms (20 MHz)
- Maximum output range: 30 V / 150 mA (DC)
- Output residual resistance (2-wire): 65 mΩ nominal
- Force and sense lines are available
- Force and sense lines for each channel are connected to each other in the adapter
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