Keysight Software Manager (KSM) is a website where you can obtain licenses and download product software updates.

KSM will also send you notifications when software updates are available, and when license and support subscriptions are expiring soon.

You can access licenses and software updates anytime from Keysight Software Manager.

KSM Home Page

Requesting a license

Key Steps


You will receive an entitlement certificate when you purchase a software product from Keysight. For most products, your certificate will be sent to you as a PDF attachment via email. In some cases, you will receive a paper copy of your certificate with the product (if it is shipped to you rather than downloaded).

Use the certificate to redeem your license(s) from the KSM web site. The license(s) associated with the certificate may be for software applications or for upgraded features of an instrument.

You will need to select the host instrument or PC where you will install the license(s), and provide its identifying information (the Host ID) when you make your license request to KSM. Once you begin the license request process, KSM will guide you step-by-step through the process, and you will receive the licenses by download or as attachments via email. 

Obtaining a software update

If you have a valid support subscription, you can obtain product software updates from KSM, using a process very similar to obtaining a license. If you are entitled to updates, KSM will send you an email notification when an update becomes available. 

Renewing a support subscription

If you have a valid support subscription for a product, then typically 30-60 days prior to the expiration of that subscription, KSM will send you an email notification explaining how to renew your support for the product.

Renewing a license

If you have a subscription license for a product, and it is renewable, then typically 30-60 days prior to expiration of that license, KSM will send an email notification explaining how to renew your license. If you are entitled to a free license renewal, you will be able to get your new license by logging into the KSM web site.