
The ADS 2014.01 DDR4 CTB Add-on has several prerequisites which must be in place before attempting to install the Add-on software.

  • The ADS 2014.01 DDR4 CTB Add-on requires prior installation of ADS 2014.01 with Hotfix 3. Minimally ADS Core and ADS Transient Convolution Element or a bundle (like W2210) that contains these two.
  • The W2351EP DDR4 Compliance Test Bench license is required.
  • Oscilloscope software (no actual oscilloscope is required: the software runs on an ordinary Windows PC in offline/remote mode):
    • N8900A-001 Infiniium Offline
    • N8900A-002 DSA Package (EZJIT Plus and SDA)
    • N6462A-1TP DDR4 Compliance Transportable License

Installation Instructions

  1. Please refer to the prerequisites section.
  2. Click the Download button to download the ADS 2014.01 Hotfix 3 (32-bit or 64-bit) software. Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this Hotfix are provided in the Supporting Documentation section.
  3. Click the Download button to download the ADS 2014.01 file.
    Note: The includes:
       - DDR_CTB.deb: DDR4 Compliance Test Bench Debian file
       - SetupInfiniium05100003.exe: Infiniium Offline Oscilloscope Analysis Software Installer
       - SetupInfDDR401100000.exe: DDR4 Compliance Test Application Software Installer
  4. Close all the applications on your PC before installing the software.
  5. Install the Infiniium Offline Oscilloscope Analysis software (SetupInfiniium05100003.exe) and follow the on-screen installation instructions.
    Note: You can also download the Infiniium Offline Oscilloscope Analysis Software from the Keysight website.
  6. Restart your PC to complete the installation.
  7. Install DDR4 compliance test application software (SetupInfDDR401100000.exe) and follow the on-screen installation instructions.
    Note: You can also download the DDR4 Compliance Test Application Software from the Keysight website.
  8. Restart your PC after completing the installation.
  9. In ADS, add DDR4_CTB (.deb) DesignGuide.
  10. Restart ADS and open a Schematic view. The DDR4 Advanced Compliance Test Bench will be listed under the DesignGuide menu.

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