Visibility is Security

Keysight allows organizations to shed the burden of many appliances by offering SecureStack capabilities on its visibility platforms — network packet brokers. Organizations know that security is visibility — you have to see the data to be able to secure it and prevent attacks.

With Keysight visibility you can decrypt and encrypt data and have the ability to mask data on your network without specialized appliances. Saving your organization dollars, helping IT and security teams, and all while better protecting your network.

Inline Decryption

Keysight's Inline Decryption capability enables organizations to see inside traffic that uses ephemeral key cryptography through its visibility platform. With our Inline Decryption, you can:

  • Decrypt once and scale monitoring infrastructure. Offloading TLS decryption will optimize security and monitoring tool performance.
  • Deploy inline, out-of-band (OOB), and simultaneous inline and OOB tool configurations for the ultimate flexibility.
  • See into both outbound and inbound traffic to inspect downloads and detect server attacks.
  • Achieve limitless visibility when used with our NetStack, PacketStack and AppStack capabilities.
TLS/SSL Decryption and Encryption graphic

Key Specifications

Inline Decryption


Out-of-Band Decryption


Data Masking Plus


Offload TLS/SSL Decryption


Want to see more specifications?

Network Packet Brokers Supporting SecureStack

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