What is a Host ID?

A host ID uniquely identifies your host computer or instrument so that a software license can be assigned to it. A host ID can be any of the following:

  • A unique identifier assigned to the Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC). This is sometimes called an Ethernet address or MAC (Media Access Control) address.
  • An ID specific to a host PC or instrument expressed in a defined format such as model,serial number or PCSERNO,serial number. 
  • An ID specific to a FlexID USB dongle.

A host ID is not a machine's hostname or server name or network name.

How do I find the Host ID?

The easiest way to find the host IDs for your computer or instrument is to install and open PathWave License Manager (preferred) or Keysight License Manager on it. You can click on the video to the right for a demo on finding the correct host ID to use when assigning a license.

PathWave License Manager displays the host IDs in the default Add License view:

Image of PLM showing host IDs

Keysight License Manager shows the host ID at the top of the main window:

Image of Keysight License Manager 5 showing host ID

In most cases, either of these two license management utilities is included with the installation of your Keysight product, or is preinstalled on your Keysight instrument. Follow the instructions appropriate for your computer or instrument.

Which Host ID should I use when requesting licenses?

When requesting a license file, be sure to use an ID or address of the machine where the license file will be installed. Machines usually have more than one host ID. However when you request a license file, you must provide only one of the machine's host IDs.

This can be:

  • An ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) address (e.g. 6c02e068d006)
  • A Keysight Host ID (e.g. PCSERNO,EG52729749)
  • A FlexNet ID (e.g. 10-0bebf1c3). 

The entitlement certificate you received contains information on which type of host ID is appropriate for the product you purchased. Keysight Software Manager also provides guidance during the license request process. 

Avoid MAC addresses that are transient or short lived. such as ethernet MAC addresses that are configured for virtual machines (VMs), virtual private networks (VPNs), docking stations, or WiFi networking adapters. Note that PathWave License Manager displays only host IDs that are stable and/or persistent.