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How to Design Power Electronics: HF Power Semiconductor Modeling Webcast
After a brief introduction to challenges such as size, weight, efficiency, cost, and robustness in power module design for power electronics, this webcast will lay out a new workflow for such projects that include modeling and characterization of components and devices such as GaN transistors, electro-thermal co-simulation, and integration of GaN into power electronic circuits. We conclude that EDA tools originally intended for RF/microwave design have much to offer in such a workflow.
Power electronic engineers who want insight and rapid design space exploration that come from virtual prototypes using simulation.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Kallfass
Ingmar Kallfass received Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Stuttgart in 2000, and Dr.-Ing. from University of Ulm in 2005. His career in academia includes positions at National University of Ireland, University of Ulm, and the Fraunhofer Institute. From 2009 to 2012, he was a professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Since 2013, he has held the newly established chair for Robust Power Semiconductor Systems at the University of Stuttgart as part of the Robert Bosch Center for Power Electronics.
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