XR3000 Active Monitoring Hardware

Data Sheets

Network and application performance assessment




The Keysight XR3000 active monitoring hardware is a turn-key appliance for both Hawkeye and IxChariot software active performance monitoring solutions. It is used to perform network and application performance assessment and monitoring for wired and wireless networks. It is designed to be portable and supports connectivity for a wide range of locations of the network (remote/retail sites, households, branch offices, headquarters, local exchanges, datacenters etc.).


XR3000 Hardware Design and Connectivity


• XR3000 is designed for fixed and Wi-Fi network connectivity. The fanless silent design makes it an ideal edge or central network monitoring turn-key appliance.

• Fixed network connectivity ranges from 10/100M copper to 10G fiber with multiple options for 1G  connectivity (fiber and copper). 

• Wi-Fi connectivity is supported and covers wider range available on the market for a monitoring device, with up to Wi-Fi 6 speed connectivity.

• Wi-Fi reliability and coverage is ensured with external antenna slots. Antennas are included (installation is optional, only required when operated in Wi-Fi environments).

• Rackmount and wallmount kit capabilities are available for easy integration into any remote/edge offices or datacenters.


XR3000 Software


XR3000 supports endpoints compatible with both Hawkeye and IxChariot software management products. They allow active testing and monitoring of networks based on traffic injection to verify network performance and customer digital experience monitoring.


Active traffic generation capabilities


Below is a non-exhaustive list of XR3000 traffic generation capabilities:


• Speed test from site to site with advanced configuration on traffic profiling

• Advanced bandwidth availability or verification with bit blasting or TCP-based testing

• Class of service (COS) implementation validation with oversubscription scenarios

• IP network SLA verification (one-way delay, jitter, loss)

• Unified communications tests (Teams, Zoom)

• Office 365 applications

• Real-time streaming verification

    o Mean opinion score (MOS) for voice – G711, G729, AMR, etc.

    o Media delivery index (MDI) for video streaming

• Echo tests (ICMP, TCP, UDP) and path discovery to any interface on the web

• User experience tests (downloading web pages, etc.)

• DNS response time

• Netflix, YouTube, and any Dash/Adaptive streaming test

• Multicast video

• Remote destination port opening verification

• Wi-Fi monitoring