Technical Support

U1050A Acqiris Twelve-channel CompactPCI Time-to-Digital Converter

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Help Files
(Save file to computer before use) Help system for the MD1 Soft Front Panel (SFP). LabVIEW driver for MD1 digitizers. Includes detailed API documentation of all driver functions.
Application Notes
This paper describes the use of Keysight modular products for high-speed multichannel data acquisition systems in big physics experiments.
Technical Overviews
Summary of scientific papers which provide a wide range of data on where and how Keysight high-speed digitizers are used in the advanced research experiments.
Help Files
Help system for the Soft Front Panel (SFP) for MD1 series digitizers. Includes product introduction, tour of the SFP UI, and how-to procedures, and troubleshooting. (Extract this zipped file to a local drive.)
Help Files
Help system for the IVI driver for MD1 digitizers. Includes detailed API documentation of all driver functions. (Extract this zipped file to a local drive.)
User Manuals
For Use with TC Series Time-to-Digital Converters
Programming Guides
Programmer’s Reference Manual: Keysight Acqiris Instruments
Reference Guides
cPCI TDCs - Product security features & certificate of volatility
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Drivers, Firmware and Software

Training and Events

Knowledge Center
