Publish test results from any Test Step to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


Publish Test Results to Spreadsheets

  • Specify file names
  • Customize reports using templates, including charts, logos and more
  • View the generated reports using Microsoft Excel or other applications that support .xls or .xlsx formats

Simple Development Workflow

  • Add Spreadsheet Result Listener in the Bench settings
  • Configure your output settings and optionally specify a report template
  • Run your Test Plan
  • Open the generated spreadsheet report file to view your results

Flexible Software Licensing

  • Fixed (node-locked, single PC), transportable and network/floating licenses with either perpetual or annual time frame

KS8107A Spreadsheet PluginPathWave Test Automation is a modern Microsoft .NET-based application that can be used stand-alone or in combination with higher level test executive software environments. The KS8701A Spreadsheet Plugin is a result listener that allows users to publish test results from any Test Step to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It is designed for ease of use and the user can customize the output report using templates.

For more information about Test Automation Software, please visit PathWave Test Automation Software.

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